• Reference
  • Title
    Martinsart Wood 1-2-17 to 2-8-17 Battn. billeted in huts in Martinsart Wood finding working parties to improve & dif new Trenches in 54th Bde Sector. Classes for Young Officers, N.C.O.s & backward men in progress. Training for all Specialists rapidly pushed forward i.e. Lewis Gun, Signalling, Bombing, Snipping [sic], Scouting Classes going daily from 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. Musketry for indifferent shots. OPERATION ORDERS No.48 by Lt COL G.P.MILLS COMMANDING 7TH (S) BATTN BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT MAP REFERENCE MAP 57 D. S.E. 9-2-17 1. MOVE "C" Company will move forward t0-day 9th inst to Stuff Redoubt and Hessian trench (R.21.D) to be in support to the Right flank of 12th Middlesex Regiment if necessary. The Company will temporarily be placed at the disposal of the O.C. 12th Middlesex to whom 2/Lieut Lawrence will report at once for instructions. Bn Headquarters of 12th Middlesex will be R.29.a.62. 2. RELIEF Company will move with one minute distance between platoons. 3. TRENCH STORES Trench Store Lists will be handed to Adjutant on arrival after being signed by both parties. 4. BOX RESPIRATORS Box Respirators will be worn in the "Alert" position during the relief. 5. COMPLETION OF RELIEF Completion of relief will be certified to 12th Middlesex and 7th Bedfords. 6. DRESS Battle Order, greatcaots "en banderole" waterbottles filled. 7. BAGGAGE All baggage will be dumped in 2 dumps at Company Cookhouse, under directions of Quarter Master. 8. PACKS Packs & blankets will not be taken into trenches. Lewis Gunners will take packs. When packs are stacked for carriage by transport any pack not clearly marked with No, Name, Rank and Company of the man iy will be kept by the QrMaster & disciplinary action taken against the owner. 9. SIGNALS Signals will relieve independently. 10. BOMB BUCKETS Bomb Buckets will be drawn from Quarter Master. (SIGNED) E.W.BENSON. LIEUT AND ADJT. 7th (S) BATTN BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT. 9-2-17 One Bn of the 54th Brigade (i.e. 11th Royal Fusiliers) moved into the line in relief of 8th Norfolk Regt. the rest of the Brigade including 7th Bedfords remained in Huts in Martinsart Wood every available N.C.O. & man being employed on fatigues in the trenches. Later in the day one Coy. (C Coy.) was ordered forward (in Support of 12th BN. Middx) the Coy. was billeted in STUFF REDOUBT and was employed on defence work under the orders of O.C. 12th Bn. Middx. 10-2-17 The Bn. (less C Coy. who remained in Stuff Redoubt) moved forward into Dug outs at THIEPVAL, with Bn. H.Qrs. in the Wonder Work, they, the Bn. were employed on night fatigues in vicinity of front line. 11-2-17 Arrangements for relief by 55th Infy.Bde. at night. THIEPVAL 12-2-17 On the night 11/12 Feby. the Bde was relieved by the 55th Infy. Bde. the 7th Bedfords being ordered to remain in their present position (Dug-outs in THIEPVAL). Warwick Huts 13-2-17 Bn. moved into Warwick Huts every one employed in fatigue near front line making preparations for attack which was booked for 16/17 Feby. 14-2-17 Fatigue in front Line Sector, the whole Battn. 15-2-17 Checking all fighting Kit, ready for moving forwards for Operations each Coy. was paraded & inspected & everything checked. Extra S.A.A., Bombs, Very lights etc. etc. drawn & issued to individuals. 16-2-17 Bn. moved to its position in Support & was distributed as follows 2 Coys A & B in Dug-outs in FARBACK Trench 2 Coys C & D in Moucquet FARM, Bn H.Qrs in No.8 Dug-out in ZOLLERN Trench the above was in accordance with G.O.C.s instruction, 54th Bde. 17-2-17 This was termed Z Day (day of battle) all arrangements were complete for the attack by 4 A.M. a report to that effect being sent to H.Qrs 54th Brigade. The attack to be carried out was planned on the usual System for attacking from trenches the final objective being the South MIRAUMONT TRENCH which defends the Southern portion of Petit Miraumont Village. At 5.45 A.M. our Barrage opened (The attacking troops being formed up ready before this hour during this forming up they were heavily shelled by the Bosche who had apparently detected or gained information that something was taking place. many casualties were suffered by this shell fire adding to the difficulties of making a good start) according to schedule time the assaulting troops 11th Royal Fusiliers & 6th Northants (& 12 Middx Dug-out clearing) advanced. 7th Bedfords being in Brigade Reserve were not allowed to move & so remained in their night positions. The battle progressed in the usual way until the 2nd objective was reached (a spot called the Boom ravine) about 500 yds short of the final objective (South Miraumont Trench) here it was found almost impossible to advance further as most of the officers has becoime wounded also many N.C.O.s & men. As soon as this fact had been established orders were issued by the G.O.C. 54th Bde for the assaulting troops to entrench & make dispositions for holding the ground they had gained, this was done & by nightfall the work of consolidation was well advanced. A Counter Attack was to be expected & in view of this the G.O.C. 54th Bde ordered Two Coys 7th Bedfords to be moved forward into Close Support. One Coy (A Co) moved to a spot about 500 yds behind the front line known as the GULLEY & B Co to REGINA Trench, the former Coy. assisted in consolidation work, Patrolling, Carrying etc. during the night. The front gained in the Battle by the 54th Bde. was reconnoitred by all Coy. Commanders ready in case of necessity to carry out the relief of the attacking Bns this however was found to be unnecessary & all troops remained in their present positions for the night and the obscurity of the position was quickly cleared up and a strong front line established with the remnants of the 6th Bn Northants, 12th BN Middlesex. the 11th Royal Fusilieres was after nightfall withdrawn to Moucquet Farm & placed in Reserve. the day following (18th Feby) In the field 18-2-17 the whole Brigade was relieved by the 55th Infy. Brigade the 54th being withdrawn to Huts in the Martinsart Area. 7th Bedfords being in GLOUCESTER huts & employed on R.E. fatigues. During this period the 4 Coys of the Bn were commanded by the following: captain H.C.Browning A Coy, 2nd Lt.H.Driver B Coy, Captrain L.Keep C Coy., Capt.D.Keep D Coy. Casualties for the fight are said to be (1000) one thousand N.C.O.s and men & 35 Officers. the 11th Royl Fusiliers & 6th Northants suffered the heaviest. 19-2-17 to 28-2-17 The Battn billeted in GLOUCESTER huts & employed on R.E. fatigues making wire etc.
  • Date free text
    Feb 1917
  • Production date
    From: 1917 To: 1917
  • Level of description