• Reference
  • Title
    Bargain and Sale Parties: (i) Thomas Alston of Odell Castle, esquire; (ii) Justinian Alston of Odell Castle, esquire [eldest son of (i)]; (iii) John Tyler of Inner Temple, London, gentleman; (iv) Robert Garstin of Harrold House, esquire; (v) Thomas Milles of Lincolns Inn [Middlesex], esquire and James Edge of Inner Temple, London, esquire; (vi) William Praed the elder of Tyringham [Buckinghamshire], esquire and William Praed the younger of Fleet Street, London, banker Reciting: - (i) tenant for life of (a)- , remainder to (ii) in tail male subject to charges for sums of 3,000, 5,000 and 3,000 with interest under a settlement of 7 May 1776 between (1) Margaret Lee, [later Margaret Garstin, wife of (iv) late of Great Saints Street, St.Margaret's, Westminster but then of Knightsbridge, St.George's Hanover Square [Middlesex], single woman; (2) William Scott and Rev.Thomas Orlebar Marsh; (3) Richard Orlebar, esquire and John Lloyd, esquire; (4) John Pardon, gentleman and William Myddelton, gentleman; (5) Rev.Thomas Bedford and Jeremy Fish Palmer, gentleman; and subject to terms of 1,000, 2,000 and 3,000 years Operative Part: - in order to bar and destroy all estates tail in (a)- and for 5/- each to (i) and (ii) paid by (iii), (i) and (ii) sold to (iii) Property: (a) Manor or Manors and Barony of Great Woodhall and Little Woodhall, otherwise Woodhill, otherwise Odyl, otherwise Odley, otherwise Odell; (b) mansion house in Odell, with demesne, formerly in occupation of Sir Rowland Alston, bart. and now of (i); (c) several messuages, tenements and farms in Odell in several occupations of (iv), Thomas Swannell, William Roberts, Dadley French, Thomas Battams, William Hine, Robert Talbot, Joseph Eden, John Savidge, Timothy Howe, William Cooper, William Risley, Susannah Odell, John Matthew, William York, Everit Tansley, William Savidge, William Fowler, Richard Hart, Ann Bluff, Judith Clarke, William Matthew, Widow Line, Widow Alderman, Widow Cunnington, William Darlow, William Boston, John Tossill , Mary Sharman, John Clark, Stephen Harrason junior, Widow Winsal, Samuel Hartwell, Joseph Mole, Widow Smith, John Gibbons, Widow Bailey, John Missildine, John Gilbert, Samuel Hartwell, Thomas Nutt "for the Toll of the Fair", Daniel Hipwell "for Rushes in the River", Robert Gregg "also for Rushes in the River"; (d) Rectory of Odell and "titheable places thereof"; (e) close of land in Hinwick late in occupation of Richard Orlebar, esquire and now of [blank - widow] Cunnington; (f) mansion called Harrold House with all closes and parcels of land belonging in occupation of (iv) which was owned by (i) as nephew and heir of Ann Mead, widow, deceased; (g) piece of new inclosed ground, late part of Harrold open field, late in occupation of [blank] Bonfield Miller; (h) all reeds, rushes and osier beds in Harrold in occupation of [blank] Bowyer; (i) Manor of Steventon; (j) messuages, tenements and farms in Stevington in several tenures of Richard Pool, James Gregory, William Hyde, John Bowyer, Thomas Bowyer, Freeman Wheaton, William Stratton and Richard Inkersole; (k) Manor of Pavenham ; (l) messuages, tenements and farms in Pavenham in several occupations of Benjamin Rogers, Charles Hulett, Thomas Harmer and Keeling Williamson; (m) moiety of Manor or reputed Manor of Gloucester Fee; (n) entirety of messuages, tenements and farms in Felmersham in several occupations of Richard Willes and Thomas Swannell; (o) Manor of Charlton, otherwise Carlton; (p) messuages, tenements and farms in Carlton in several occupations of Benjamin Rogers, William Bithrey and William Wootton; (q) messuages, tenements and farms in Chellington and Turvey in occupation of Benjamin Rogers; (r) Manor of Cowesby, otherwise Cowsby, otherwise Colesby [Yorkshire]; (s) messuages and tenements in Cowesby in several occupations of Robert Hill, Roger Hudson, William Story, Matthew Wright, Samuel Ella, Thomas Peacock, John Brown, John Alley and [blank]; (t) Rectory of Cowesby; (u) Manor of Thixendale, otherwise Twixendale, otherwise Sixyndale [Yorkshire]; (v) messuages, tenements and farms in Thixendale now or late in occupation of Luke Warmsley; (w) six sheep pastures or sheep walks in York Wold commonly known by several names of Pluckhome, Pehome, Fotherdalehome, the Inges, Broadhome and Little Warehome containing 500 acres in Thixendale now or late in tenure of Luke Warmsley; (x) Manor of Foston [on the Wolds] [Yorkshire]; (y) messuages, tenements and farms in Foston and Kilham [Yorkshire] now or late in occupation of William Drucklow; (z) messuages, tenements and farms in Lydd and Molash [Kent] in several occupations of John Steady Baker, [blank] Goddard and Thomas Videan Note: general words clause notes that property also existed in Bromham and Oakley Habendum: - to use of (iii) - to use of (v) during a term of 500 years; - to use of (i); - to use of (vi) during natural life of (i) in trust to preserve contingent uses and estates to permit (i) to receive rents; - to use of those appointed by (ii) after the death of (i), in default of any appointment by (ii) to the use of (ii) and his male heirs, in default of any such heirs to Rowland Alston, second son of (i) and his male heirs; in default to use of Vere John Alston, fourth son of (i) and his male heirs; in default to use of Henry Frederick Alston, fifth son of (i) and his male heirs; in default to use of Charles William Horace Alston, sixth son of (i) and his male heirs; in default to use of succeeding sons of (i) and their respective male heirs; in default to daughters of (i), equally divided Covenants: - (i) and (ii) to levy fines sur conizance de droit come ceo to (iii) Agreements: - (iv) to enter three or more writs of entry sur diseizin on le post against (iii) who will vouch to warrant (a)-(z), (i) and (ii) entering the warranty and further vouch over to warranty the Common Vouchee of Court of Common Pleas who will make default and deposit in contempt of the Court so that judgement may be given for (iv) to recover (a)-(z) against (iii) and for (iii) to recover in value against (i) and (ii) and for (i) and (ii) to recover against the Common Vouchee; - (ii) may, during the lives; of (i) and (ii) receive an annual rent charge of 300 issuing from (a)-(z), with powers of distraint and entry by (ii); - after the death of Margaret Garstin, if (i) and (ii) survive her, (ii) to receive a further annual rent charge of 100;, with powers of distraint for (ii); - in case of arrears in payment of annuities of 300 and 100 power granted to (v) to take the necessary sum from rents or sale; - after death of (i) and (ii) and cessation of annual rent charges, term of 500 years shall become void; - lawful for (ii) to provide as a jointure for any future wife rent charges not exceeding 500 arising from (a)-(z), no such jointure to take effect in possession until the death of (i); - lawful for (ii) to provide up to 5,000 as portions for any children he may have, with interest of up to 5% payable from death of (i); - lawful for (ii), after the death of (i) to appoint (a)-(z) to anyone to secure jointure or portions; - lawful for (i) and (ii) to borrow up to 8,000 upon security of (a)-(z); - lawful for (i) and (ii) to sell any part of (a)-(z) and use money to pay off the sums of 3,000, 5,000 and 3,000 and to place sale money out at interest prior to paying off the said sums Endorsement: - memorial of deed registered at Beverley on 21 Mar 1803 in Book C, folio page 14 and number 22 - signed F.Campbell, deputy registrar; - memorial of deed registered at Northallerton on 16 Mar 1803 in Book CX page 457 and number 579 - signed Thomas Walton, deputy registrar; - deed inrolled in Court of Common Pleas in Hilary Term 1803 on Roll 43, signed Keane Fitzgerald Witnesses: - Henry Edge, clerk to James Edge; - Charles Edge, clerk to James Edge -
  • Date free text
    19 Jan 1803
  • Production date
    From: 1776 To: 1803
  • Level of description