• Reference
  • Title
    Report of James Larkins, Blacksmith of Warden. He was going home from Biggleswade when at Church End, Warden, William Bryant, Gamekeeper of Warden, came across the road and pushed him against the fence asking where he had been. Larkins replied that it was no business of Bryant's, whereupon Bryant pushed Larkins into the road and walked alongside him until Larkins went into Mr King's shop. When Larkins came out of the shop Bryant walked up to him and said ' You B--- what have you got to say now?' Larkins replied 'I will let Mr Allis know of your goings on'. Bryant said that he didn't care for Mr Allis any more and grabbed Larkins by the throat and struck him with his fist, knocking him down and kicking him on his arm. Bryant then went away.
  • Date free text
    4 August 1877
  • Production date
    From: 1877 To: 1877
  • Level of description