• Reference
  • Title
    Conveyance: £6750 (described as a copy) (i) Edw. Cason of Mid. Temp. esq., Wm. Plomer of Hill esq., Rob. Mildmay and Jn. Cason of Lond. grocers. (ii) Sir Arthur Savage of Tattenhoe Bucks. kt. and Sara Smithes wid. of Geo. S. ald. and cit. of Lond. Manors of Cardington and Eastcotts, w. appurts. in C., E., Fenlake and Harrowde:- Messuages and 42 ac. occ. Rich. Godwyn, Leon. Willmott, Thos. Foster, Wm. Leighfield, Rich. Fisher, Wm. Canon, Clem. Lane, Rich. Burton, Rob. Browne, Wm. Miller, Wm. Harris, Wm. Johnson, Rob. Cox, Rich. Suersby, Wm. Cranfield, Wm. Kinge, 14 May last - alloted in '3 books' to Edw. Cason. Cott. occ. Thos. Kirby, mess. and cotts. occ. Jn. Ward, Thos. Bull, Jn. Willmott, wid. Toach, Rob. Perill, Wm. Averill, Thos. Atkins, Peeter Cowper, Peeter Newman, Jn. Burges, Geo. Richardson, Simon Joye, Cicely Denton, Hen. Smythe, Jn. Larkins, allotted to Wm. Plomer: Cott. occ. Ste. Cox, closes - the little wards (2 ac.), Duttons Close (3 ac.) Coxes Holme (2 1/2 ac.), Abbets Close (1 1/2 a.) Braces Close (3 ac.), occ. Ric. Godwyne, Close w. cott. in the Braiche occ. Thos. Reyner (2 1/2 ac.), Cott. occ. Jn. Fesant, close in Cotton Brooke occ. Thos. Bull (1 ac.), a close at East end Pightles occ. Wm. Cannon (1 1/2 ac.), the Linche Pightle (1 r.), Flagg Yard Close (1 ac.), Cherry Close (1 r.), mess. and clo. occ. W. Warner (3 ac.), the Long Clo. (1 ac.), the Greate Wardes (7 ac.), clo. next Cople Lane occ. Jn. Perrill (1 1/2 ac.), clo. occ. Thos. Kirby (1 ac. 1 r.), clo. occ. Hen. Foster (1 1/2 ac.), clo. in the Lakes occ. wid. Toache (3 ac.), another clo. in the Lakes occ. Wm. Averill (3 ac.), Lake Close (3 ac.), Hyntrey Fields (viz. clo. occ. Hen. Smythe - 6 ac., Duttons Clo. adj. - 26 ac. occ. Thos. Smythe), 3 clos. occ. Paul Hulkes (34 1/2 ac.), Clo. occ. Jn. Mathewes (2 1/2 ac.), the Hither Clo. of Longfld. (13 ac.), the farther clo. of Longfld. next Card. manor grnd. (20 1/2 ac.), clo. in Longflds. betw. the new ditches (12 ac.), next clo. beyond the farthest new ditches (14 ac.), pightle occ. Geo. Cokaine (1 r.), Scratty Wood (66 ac.) Leys and arable land (428 ac.), in Card. East fld. and Cotton fld., allotted to Ed. Cason - 216 ac. Wm. Plomer - 212 ac. in Card. West fld. and Harrowden East fld. (389 ac.) allotted to Ed. Cason - 191 ac. Wm. Plomer - 198 ac. in Ham fld., Harrowden West and South flds., Sharp fld., Mother fld., the Crofts, the Braiche (446 ac.), allotted to Ed. Cason - 226 ac. Wm. Plomer - 220 ac. Meadow in Ham fld. : meadows next West hanging :- in Skitters Hyde, Ham Meade, Longe Heydons, Short Heydons, - (66 ac.) allotted to E.C. - 33 ac. W.P. - 33 ac. Meadows and leys - 28 1/2 ac. in Fenlake mead. and Newnham Holme, late parcels of possessions of Phil. ld. Wharton and w. lady Dorothy, the Great Wardes - 21 ac., Little Wardes - 13 ac., Barnes Clo. - 12 ac., Fesants Clo. - 12 ac., Signiory royalties, rents, courts leet and baron, etc., Waste grnds. bel. to manor, Lands held by copy of sd. manor, 4 water mills, Quarter Barony of Bedford, to A.S. and then Dame S. for jointure. Excepts: Leases of Rob. M. & Jn. Cason :- 1. To Jn. Man : mills 21 yrs., rent 60. 2. To Wm. Hall : 20 yrs. : 10 rent. 3. To Rich. Fisher : 21 yrs. : 3.10. 4. To Wm. Hollenshedd & Ed. Tyther : 1000 yrs. 5. To Rich. Godwyne : 21 yrs. : 75.10. 6. To Leon. Wyllymott : 9 yrs. : 41. 7.& 8. To Rich. Billings 80 and 2000 yrs. (mortgage). 9.& 10. To Jn. Perill 80 and 2000 yrs. (mortgage). 11. To Jn. Fesant : 20 yrs. : 30/ - No wtns. given.
  • Date free text
    12 Jun 1616
  • Production date
    From: 1616 To: 1616
  • Level of description