• Reference
  • Title
    Lease for 40 years: rent p.a. 5.13.4. for 4 yrs., 6.13.4. thereafter. Geo. Gascoigne of Cardington esq. to Thos. Wytston. In English. ''His mylles in ...Cardyngton...with waters fro a place called the Washyngstole of the priory of Newenham unto the werkes of Castell Mylles, with all oder waters and holmes, osyzer beddes'' (except the osier beds called Fyssherysknoll and Shakylforth, of which the osiers are to be divided annually between landlord and tenant), ''rede beddes with the molber of fre men and bondmen''. A new house is to be built by the following Christmas, 60 x 16', beside the sd. mills, where it may be for the most advantage; and a floodgate made with stone above the W. end of the sd. mills. ''And the sd. Thos. shall have 4 acres of lond joyning to the seyd hows, with half an acre of wode yerely called underwode of els hawte; and a gowne competent and able for a yoman to were''. The landlord will make the mills before next Christmas ''able and sufficient to grynd all maner of Greynes''; but if only 1 mill has been put in order by then the rent is to be reduced accordingly. The landlord will ''fynde all maner of stuffe and costs of werkmenshypp, that is to say, of and for water whelys, water yates, mills stones, cogge wheles, trendels, cogges, rowngges, reynddes, spyndeles, hoppes, stone, grete tymber and small splentes, wyndyng roddes, strawe, and all maner of caryage to the reparacion of the said milles and howses;'' and within 4 yrs. will ''ordeyne Mills stones called frenshstones to on of the seyd milles''; while the tenant will ''ordeyne Mills stones called Peckstones to the oder.'' The landord will acquit the tenant against the king and against all other men of all maner of dewtes growe of for to growe be menys of the seid milles, the tyths only except.'' ''Moreover it is agreyd and acordyd betwene the partys above-seyd that at what tyme or seson it shall lyke the seid Thomas ... to surrender or to deliver the seid water from the seid Washyngstole on to the holmes and from the E end of the holmes on to the werk of the Castell milles on to the seyd George, that fro that day ... the seid George shall acquyte and abate the seyd Thomas of 33s.4d. yerly of the summe of the hole rent''. ''It shall not be lafull to the seid Thomas to lete hys terms nor no parcell therof to ne maner of persone nor persones except to John Wytston the older and John Wytston the younger, sones to the seid Thomas or on to John Wytston broder to the seyd Thomas.''
  • Date free text
    12 Mar 1469
  • Production date
    From: 1469 To: 1469
  • Reference
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