Will of Baldwin Pygot, kt., lord of Cardington.
''Item I leave my principal animal found in my manor to the vicar
of Cardington. Item I leave to be distributed to the poor 40/-.
Item I leave to the fabric of the church of Cardington 40/-.
Item I leave to my tenants of Cardington, except my miller there
and my fishers of Fenlake, all rent for the one term next before
my death. Item I leave to the prior of Newnham 13s.4d. and to
the convent of the monastery there 2 marks. Item to the friars
minor of Bedford 13s.4d. Item to Wm. Bydenham, canon of the
monastery of Newham, 13s.8d. Item I leave to Lady Margaret
my sister in Elstow a monastic allowance of 20s. Item I leave
to the convent of Chicksand a monastic allowance of 20s.
Item I leave to the Carmelite friars of Hitchin 13s.4d.
Item I leave to each of my two sisters who are in religion at
Sempringham 6s.8d. Item I leave to my servant Edward 14s.4d.
Item I leave to my servant Wm. Holm 1 cow, 1/2 qtr. corn, 1/2 qtr. malt.
Item I leave to my servant Walter 10s. Item I leave to my servant
Alice Baker 10s. Item I leave to my servant Simon 6s.8d.
Item I leave to my servant Ric. Baker 6s.8d. Item I leave to
John Downe, vicar of Willington, 26s.8d. Item I leave to Nic.
Cole of Cardington 13s.4d. Item I leave to Ric. Newel 13s.4d.,
1 qtr. corn, 1 qtr. barley and 1 qtr. fish. Item I leave to each
of my other servants inside the manor 40d. Item I leave to Roger
Daye of Cardington 40d. Item the rest of my goods not disposed of
to my dau. Eliz. And if it should happen that the sd. Eliz. should
die I will that 10 of my sd. residuum shall remain a ninth to the
chapel in Cardington church on the north side, and another 10 to
make a glass window in the west part of the sd. church according
to the disposition of my executors. Item I ordain and constitute
as my executors lady Eliz. Morteyn, Lady Matilda Wake, Lady Kath.
Luton, John Downe vicar of Willington and Nich. Cole of Cardington.
Item I leave to dom. Robt. Wyttleseye canon of Newnham 13s.4d.
Item I leave to Ric. Vynour of Cotes 6s.8d., 1/2 qtr. corn and 1/2 qtr.malt
Item to Robt. Ray of Cardington 40d., 1/2 qtr. corn and 1/2 qtr. malt.
Item I leave to dom. Thos. Maydelot chaplain 2s. Item I leave to
John Janyn chaplain 2s. Item I leave to two clerks, to wit...
12d. each. And if it happen that the sd. Eliz. my dau. be
my heir, then I will that all the aforesd. residue shall be at the
disposition of my exors. except the 20 which are to remain to the
church of Cardington as aforesaid.
Date free text
5 Jun 1391
Production date
From: 1391 To: 1391
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