• Reference
  • Title
    Folio 161d - Thomas Gerveys of Dulo in parish of Eton Soken made 18 Mar pr. 12 July 1559. Soul to almighty God his maker and redeemer, to our lady St. Marie and all the blessed company of heaven, and burial in parish churchyard of Eton. To mother church of Lincoln 4d.; to high altar of Eton for tithes forgotten 8d.. To wife Agnes 13s. 4d. a year for life to be paid by testator’s sons Thomas Gerveys and John Gerveys, that is 6s. 8d. a piece each year. To wife also 4 milch beasts, that is a red cow and a black and the bullock that is her own and one breeder. To her also 6 couple of sheep, and testator’s son John Gerveys shall every year during his mother’s life bring her up one calf being of her own breed. Son John shall each year during wife’s life till, sow and bring home one acre of barley and a rood of wheat. Wife to have half of his household stuff, and son John the other half, to be divided equally between them after testator’s daughter Elizabeth has her part given her on her marriage. To wife a horse valued at 26s. 6d. but John is to be able to use the horse when he needs it. To daughter Elizabeth on her marriage day 3 beasts and a bullock, that is a brown cow that testator bought of Thomas, the great starred cow and the biggest of the red and the bullock with one ear, also 6 couple of sheep as wife and son think fit. She is to have also one featherbed at discretion of wife. She to have also at her marriage a mattress, a coverlet, a blanket and 5 pair of sheets, 2 table cloths and a towel, a brass pot and a pan. Also 4 quarters of barley to be given shortly after harvest. To son Thomas Gerveys and his heirs the messuage where is now dwells with all the appurtenances , except 7 roods of the land now sown with pease which wife is to occupy each year during her life, and on her death it is to return to Thomas. Wife to have one half acre of pease lying against Honydon Brooke, and after the crop is lifted he to occupy the land again. To son Thomas 3 “geste” sheep with an ewe and a lamb. To son William Jerveys 4 quarters of corn to be given him by wife and son John within 4 years of testator’s decease. Son John Gerveys to have occupation of the farm where testator now dwells with all appurtenances along with his mother, that is that he is to have two parts and she the third during her life, and one her death he is to have the whole. To his boy John Suarfootte a year old calf. To each of his 4 daughters 6s. 8d. each, and that two of the eldest are to be paid first, within a year of testator’s death, and the other two to have their money in the succeeding year, and should any die before receiving their legacy, their share to go to testator’s wife and son John. To son John Jerveys and the heirs of his body testator’s messuage in Eton with appurtenances, and should he have no heirs, than the property to go to testator’s son William Gerveys and the heirs of his body. To each grandchild 12d to be paid within 3 years. Residue to son John Gerveys and his executors are to be wife Agnes and son John, and supervisor to be son-in-law Richard Writte/Wrilte, to whom 3s. 4d.. Witnesses Robert Cole, John Parson, Thomas Backster, Thomas Jerveis, William Jerves, William Basse.
  • Date free text
    18 March - 12 July 1559
  • Production date
    From: 1559 To: 1559
  • Level of description