• Reference
  • Title
    Folio 142 - Henry Walker of St. Paul’s parish in Bedford, chandler, made 27 June 1557 pr. 1557.. “My soule into the mercifull handes of my lord God trustinge to be a partakener with our lady Sainct Marie and all the sainctes in heaven there of grace and mercie and there among Goddes angelis and sainctes of glorie and Joie”. Burial in churchyard of St. Paule in Bedford. To “christes holy sacrament in sanct Paules churche of Bedford for forgotten tithes 20d.”. To the maintenance of St. Paul’s church 3s. 4d.; to the church of Lincoln 6d.; to maintain the great bridge in Bedford 5s.. To wife Margaret the “tacke and lelisse” of his house where he dwells and £40 in money, besides her own stuff that she brought with her on marriage. To son Robert Walker (and his issue) testator’s shop now in the tenure of Henry Crowe, and in default of issue the shop is to go to his sister Elizabeth and the heirs of her body, and for lack of her issue then shop to go to Henry’s brother George and his issue. To son Robert Walker testator’s best furred gown with a cape, and also a complete standing bed. To daughter Elizabeth Walker £20 in money to be paid by executors on her marriage day or else at age of 21, and to her also a complete standing bed, both children to have their bequests at the time and day as aforesaid [sic]. Should Elizabeth die before she receives her legacy, then it to be divided amongst testator’s other children. To testator’s mother 20s. a year to be paid her quarterly by his executrix as long as she lives at 5s. a quarter. To his father Smythe [blank]. To his brother Siste all the money that he owes to testator and his holy day gown furred with black lamb. To kinsman Robert Walles 40s. to be paid him at his marriage day. The rest of his shops and tenements not specifically bequeathed to be distributed among his four youngest sons at discretion of his executors, and the portion of any dying to be divided among survivors. However his wife Margeret to take the rents of his shops and tenements for the term of her life to maintain and bring up “my children and hers”. Residue to be divided among his children at discretion of wife Margeret Walker and John Willyames alias Skotte, who are appointed executors. Supervisor to be Edward Tailor clerk, the vicar of St. Pauls. Witnesses Henry Loughton and Robert Paludyne.
  • Date free text
    27 June 1557 - 1557
  • Production date
    From: 1557 To: 1557
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