• Reference
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    Folio 137 - William Purrier of Cranffild the elder, husbandman, made 14 Oct. pr. 19 Nov 1557. “Firste I bequeth my soule to allmightie God my maker and to his sonne Jesus Criste Redymer and to our blessed lady sanct Marie and to all the holy company of heaven and my body to be buried in the churche of the blessed Peter and Paule in the yle before the alter of the holy Virgyne and Martir saict Katheryne in the churche of Cramffild” He wishes that his wife be buried in the same place by him, when her time comes. Testator gives to the church for his burial 13s. 4d. to be used to mend the leads on the same aisle. His executors are to pay for the paving of the same aisle when this is needed. To the mother church of Lincoln 4d.. To the high altar of Cramffild for tithes and oblations forgotten one bushel of wheat. To the same church 3s. 4d. to be bestowed on what is most necessary in the same church. To the bells 20d.. To the church of Northe Crawley 3s. 4d.. To the bells there 20d.. To Gosen Brege [bridge] 6s. 8d.. To 5 priests at testator’s burial 8d. a piece and to the parish clerks 4d. each, and to all others who come to sing in the choir at the burial 2d. each, and to every scholar that is there 1d., and the same payments at his month’s mind and at his year tide. To all other people at his burial a half penny bread. To every godchild 4d.. To the Observant Friars in Greenwich 2s. to pray for soul of testator. To the Black Friars in St. Barthelemews in London 20d.. To the church of Cramffild testator’s cross and the white vestment at all times when they shall be required, excepting always that testator’s son John or his heirs who dwell in the house at the Townesende are to have the custody and keeping of the same cross and vestment. Testator’s son John Purrier is to pay to testator’s wife 13s. 4d. a year for the term of her life, and that Robert Purriar is to pay her 13s. 4d.annually, and that William Purriar is to pay her 2s. 8d. a year Testator’s daughter Joan Hardinge is to have testator’s wife’s harness girdle after the death of her mother, and to Joane also a towel of “locoram” and a pair of sheets, and to each of her children a sheet, and to her daughter Ales Odell a “baule” that cost 20d. with sheets to be delivered after death of testator’s wife. To testator’s daughter Joane Ockeley a pair of sheets, and to every one of her children a sheet, also to be delivered to them after death of testator’s wife. Residue to sons John, William and Robert, who are executors and to divide his goods between them, and to bestow some of his goods to the use of souls. Overseer to be sir Robert Harreson, priest and curate of the same town, he to have 20d.. Witnesses sir Robert Harryson curate of the parish, William Hodgkyne gentleman, John Purrier, Robert Purrier.
  • Date free text
    14 October - 19 November 1557
  • Production date
    From: 1557 To: 1557
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