• Reference
  • Title
    Folio 120d - Thomas Alen of Cramffild, husbandman, made 13 Aug. 1557, pr. 1557. “I bequeth my soule to allmightie God and to the Virgyne Mary and all the holy company in heaven” and burial in church yard of Craamfild. To the high altar 2 bushel of wheat; to church of Lincoln 2d.; to church of Craunffild 2 bushel of wheat; to the poor in the town that have most need a peck of wheat; to the bells 2 bushel of wheat; to the “quyere” (choir) at his burial 2s. 3d.. To daughter Isobell a quarter of wheat and a quarter of barley, 2 bushel of pease, the great kettle, a 2 year old heifer, a pig, the pest pan, the second platter, the third tub, the third coffer, a pair of sheets; To daughter Joane 6 bushel of wheat, 6 bushel of barley, 2 bushel of pease, the other pan, the 4 platter, a tub and a pair of sheets. To daughter Margeret a quarter of wheat, a quarter of barley, 2 bushel of pease, the young heifer that is flecked, the best brass pot, a kettle, the white kettle, the best platter and the third best [sic], the cupboard, the whole bed that testator lies in; the best coffer, 2 of the best tubs, 2 pairs of the best sheets.. To Richard the elder a quarter of wheat, a quarter of barley, 2 bushel of pease, a weaning calf, and he can have either an ox calf or a cow calf, whichever he wishes, and also a pair of wheels which are now at Crowley, a petticoat with black seams, and a pair of sheets. To Richard junior 6 bushel of wheat, 6 bushel of barley, 2 bushel of pease, a coat with white sleeves, and the second board log. To son Robert a quarter of wheat, a quarter of barley, 2 bushel of pease, the second coffer, testator’s russet coat without sleeves, and a board log. All the wheat and other grain can be paid one half this year and the other half next year. To son John a black cow, a two year old red heifer, a great ark, testator’s best coat, a worsted doublet, the best board log. To Richard Bornes daughter the best cow save 2 and a sheet that hangs at the testator’s bedside. To John Wheler a waist coat with skirts. His horses, with all things that go with them as carts and ploughs etc. to whoever occupies his goods, and he that has them shall give to each of his other children 6s. 8d. each, to be paid half this year and the other half next year. Residue to son John who is one executor with John Mowsse the other executor, to whom 20d. and William Rynge supervisor. Witnesses William Sillis, Thomas Basby, John, John Mowse with others.
  • Date free text
    13 August 1557 - 1557
  • Production date
    From: 1557 To: 1557
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