• Reference
  • Title
    Folio 46 - John Whit of Kempson made 27 Oct. 1556, pr. 25 Feb. 1556/7. “I bequeth my soulle to allmightye god and to our blessed Ladye Sanct Marie and to all the blessid companie in heaven” and burial in churchyard of Kempson Alhalowes. For his mortuary as the law requires. To the mother church of Lincoln 2d. to the high altar for tithes forgotten 4d.. To son George the copyholding where testator now dwells in the West End of Kempston, which testator holds of Mr. Thomas Fizthwilliams, of which there is a surrender in the hands of William Alen of Kempson to the use of his son George. His son George is to give to his two brothers William and Richard 40s. a piece, and William to have his 40s. within 8 years of testator’s death. George is to keep Christian his youngest sister well and honestly for 16 years. To the same Christian a great black pan, a pair of sheets, a pewter dish and a sheep. To his elder daughter also called Christian a great brass pot and the second brass pan, a kettle with a bayle [ladle for beer] and the best frying pan, 4 pewter dishes, a saucer and a salt, a bell candlestick, half a dozen tin spoons, but she is to pay to her sister Alis 4d.. To the elder Christian also the best coffer, a bedstead, 3 pair of sheets, a mattress, a bolster, a pillow, a pillow bere, the best coverlet, the best table cloth, the best towel, a heifer or 20s. in money, a sheep, a linen wheel, and a great tub. To his daughter Alis the lesser brass pot, the third brass pan, 3 pewter dishes, a candlestick, 3 pair of sheets, a bedstead, and a bolster. Alis is to have one of the little chambers to dwell in so long as she lives, if they can agree together, and if they cannot agree, then son George is to give her 3s. 4d. every year for as long as she lives, and she shall go wherever she wills. To Alis also the second coffer, a kimnel , a table cloth and a towel. Residue all to son George. Executors William Alen and John Fox, and his supervisor to be his brother William Whit, and they are to see that there is no strife among his children Witnesses William Alin, John Foxe, William Whit, Richard Whit, Hugh Davy. “Item I will that Father Smith and his wyf shall have the Litell chamber that thei now dwell in so long as thei will occupie yt them selves paing the rent as we were agreed so that none of my children shall put them from hit but that thei shall have yt for thear monye”.
  • Date free text
    27 October 1556 - 25 February 1556/7
  • Production date
    From: 1556 To: 1557
  • Level of description