• Reference
  • Title
    Folio 14d - John Joy of Salpho Burie in Ronehalle, yeoman. “In the name of god amen the xxj ti. Day of September in the yere of our Lord God 1556 and the the yere of the Reign of our soveraign Lord and Lady Philip and Mari by the grace of God king and quene of yngland Spaine Fraunce both Sicilles Jeruzalem and also of Ierland, defendors of the faith archduckes of Austria Duckes of Burgundy Millaine and Brabant countyes of Haspurge Flanders and Tyroll the third and fourth” pr. 21 Sep. 1556. Soul to almighty God his creator and redeemer, to our blessed lady the virgin saint Mary and to all the holy company in heaven. Burial in the parish yard of Ronehall. To the high altar for tithes forgotten 12d. and to the mother church of Lincoln 2d.. His executor is to distribute in alms on the day of his burial to the most needy, impotent and poor people in Ronehall or any adjoining town the sum of £3. To son John Joy 2 shod carts, one dung cart, three horses, all the cart gear and plough and plough gear, and all the wheat and rye, barley, peas, oats, and straw now on testator’s farm in Salpho Burye where testator now lives, and also all the tilth land which testator had in hand on the day he made his will together with all the grain sown on it and the breach land, and the hay. To son John also 4 milch cows, 2 oxe, one bull and a bullock. To Jane Bushope a bullock. To Alis Crote, his daughter, wife of [John erased] Henry Crote a milch cow. To daughter Johan Hewet wife of Saunder Hewet a cow. To daughter Agnes Crosse wife of John Crosse a milch cow. To son Edmunde Joye the bed that he testator lies on with all that belongs to is, that is to say the bedstead, a feather bed, a mattress, a bolster, 2 pillows with pillow beres, a pair of sheets, a coverlet with a tester and hangings about the same. Also to Edmunde a milch cow, a horse and £6 13s. 4d., and four quarters of barley to be provided by testator’s son John. Also to son John 2 [?]colts, a coverlet, one of the best brass pans, one brass pot which is the one next to the biggest, one of the biggest brass kettles, one of the middling kettles, and one of the lesser kettles. To son Edmund the greatest brass pot and all the residue of testator’s goods. Executors John and Edmund Joy, and as supervisors sons William and Richard Joy. Witnesses John Stukeley vicar, John [?]Romes gentleman, Roger Aldridge and Saunder Hewet.
  • Date free text
    21 September 1556 - 21 September 1556
  • Production date
    From: 1556 To: 1556
  • Level of description