• Reference
  • Title
    (i) Wm. Lucas of Hitchin, Herts, common brewer Jos. Lucas of Hitchin, Herts, common brewer (ii) Geo. Hooper of Dunstable, gent. (iii) Jn. Hooper of Spring Terrace, Wandsworth Rd., Surrey, gent. reciting: Will of Wm. Lucas, father of (i) to w., since decd. annuity to s. s. Wm. and Jos. all estates not otherwise devise dated: 14 June 1817 probate: 16 October 1819 died: 9 September 1817 Will of Jos. Lucas, bro. of Wm. Lucas to Wm. Brown, Wm. Exton and his half share in his father Jos. Sharples estate upon trust to sell to bro. Wm. dated: 24 May,1828 probate: 7 February 1833 died: 21 August 1832 Wm. Lucas declined to purchase bro's share Conveyance (lease and release) (i) Wm. Brown Wm. Exton Jos. Sharples (ii) Wm. Lucas (iii) Jos. Lucas, eldest s. and h. of Jos. Lucas ... half share in Wm. Lucas's estate owned by Jos. Lucas (i) and (ii) convey to (iii) 31 October 1 November 1834 Attested Copy of Conveyance (lease and release) for 550 ... barn in West St., Dunstable in yard belonging to mess of Hnry. Hobbs, late occ. by Jn. Bean, wheelwright, barn formerly occ. by And. Cooper, late Jn. Green, since Thos. Tims. ... close of mea., formerly 3 closes, adj. Moordike Lane N.W. and S., garden of Geo. Hooper E. formerly occ. by Zac. Ewer, formerly And. Cooper, late Jn. Green, since Thos. Tims. ... site of cott. formerly of Jn. and Rich. Mead, sold to Wm. Lucas by conveyance (feoffment) 12 October 1791, now forming part of Crow Close, containing 3a. 33pls. Schedule: Lease and Release (i) Jn. Sinfield (ii) Jn. Miles ... mess and barns with adj. close in Dunstable 23/4 May 1743 Lease and Release (i) Jn. Miles (ii) Jn. Sinfield Thos. Sinfield (iii) Eliz. Bradford ... above premises to use of (iii) and heirs Covenant to levy fine 18/19 June 1745 Fine pursuant to covenant Trinity Term 19 Geo II (1745/7) Lease and Release (i) Ann Lincoln Eliz. Read Robt. Atkinson (ii) Wm. Lucas Isaac Sharples ... above premises to use of Wm. Lucas sign: (i) (ii) witn: Sept. Wright, solicitor, Hitchin, Herts.
  • Date free text
    20/21 March 1837
  • Production date
    From: 1734 To: 1837
  • Level of description