• Reference
  • Title
    Declaration of trusts [Marriage Settlement] Parties: (i) Richard Smith of Woburn, Beds, gentleman and Joseph Cooke of Eversholt, Beds, malster; (ii) Eve Martin of Woburn, spinster; (iii) Thomas Gale of Toddington, Beds, tallow chandler. Reciting: - intended marriage between (ii) and (iii); - (ii) is entitled to one moiety of (a-h) according to the custom of the Manor of Woburn Abbotts; - (ii) surrendered (by the hands and acceptance of Richard White and John Starborough, two other customary tenants of the said manor) (a-h) unto the lord of the said manor; - (ii) was admitted to (a-c) at a court held for the Manor of Woburn Abbotts on the 19th Jul 1731; - (ii) is entitled to (d-h) in reversion after the death of Eve Martin, her mother. Property: (a) Swan Inn at Woburn now in the occupation of Joseph Butcher… ‘being a corner house & fronting north into the Market place there & West into Duck Lane’; (b) three cottages or tenements adjoining together at Woburn, two are in the occupation of Thomas Whitt, cordwainer and the other is now in the tenure of John Hawkins; fronting E into George Street & adjoining the White Horse yard on the N and property of widow Savage on the S; (c) copyhold close of pasture or sward land at Woburn called Great Caswell Close otherwise Castles Close of 3a 2r 32p in the occupation of Thomas Edmunds; (d) messuage at Woburn with a shop adjoining formerly in the occupation of Robert Martin deceased, father of (ii) and now in the tenure of Henry Rock; (e) chamber or room over said shop and over the passage leading into the Swan Inn yard and now in the occupation of Joseph Butcher… ‘which said part of the said Messuage Shop and Chamber is part & parcel of the said Messuage or Inn called the Swan Inn & adjoining thereto West & to the White Horse Inn East & fronteth North into the Market place there’; (f) yard next to Duck Lane, Woburn of 1p; (g) barn with a liberty of passage to draw and fetch water; (h) copyhold close of pasture or sward land at Woburn known as Houghton’s Close of 5a, bounded on S by Wind Close, W by Crow Holt Hill and abutting into Woburn Town. Operative: - agreed and declared that (ii) will surrender (a-h) unto (i) in trust for the use of (ii) until the intended marriage; - after to the use of (ii) and (iii); - after the death of the survivor of them, to the use of any issue between (ii) and (iii) or rightful heir. Covenants: - the Lord of the Manor of Woburn Abbotts has certain power to exchange and enfranchise (a-h). - signed by (i), (ii) and (iii). - witnessed and signed by Richard White and Charles Pyne.
  • Date free text
    5 Aug 1737
  • Production date
    From: 1731 To: 1737
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 1
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