• Reference
  • Title
    Draft transfer of mortgage Parties: (i) Frederic Thomas Tanqueray of Woburn, Beds; (ii) John Cathles Hill of 14 Archway Road, Upper Holloway [London], brick manufacturer; (iii) William John Lydston Earl Poulett. Reciting: - mortgage dated 30th Jul 1901 between (1) (i) (2) John Thomas Green whereby (1) granted (a) to (2) for securing the repayment of £5500 and interest; - will of John Thomas Green dated 10th Nov 1900 whereby he appointed (ii) and William Samuel Smith as executors; - John Thomas Green died on the 28th Dec 1904; - HN10/346/9/9; - sum of £5000 remains owing upon the said mortgage. Operative: - in consideration of £5000 paid by (iii) to (i), (i) at the request of (ii) transfers the recited mortgage to (iii); - (i) and (ii) conveys (a-c) to (iii) as security for repayment; - (i) and (ii) further convey to (iii)… ‘all that the goodwill of the business of a Brick Manufacturer carried on by the Mortgagor upon the said premises described in the 2nd schedule’ Property: (a) see (a-c) at HN10/346/9/2; (b) see (a) at HN10/346/9/9; (c) estate of 98a 1r in Wootton, Beds bought by (ii) from Rebecca Cranfield on the 31st Dec 1901 (see HN10/346/9/3) schedule reads: - Clophill of 29a 1r 25p; - Home Close of 8a 10p; - Farmhouse and Homestead etc. of 3a 34p; - Dovehouse Close of 6a 1r 14p; - Lane of 1r 13p; - Wood Pightle of 2a 1r 13p; - Rowsbury Wood of 7a 3r 34p; - Long Close of 5a 3r 31p; - Ploughed Close of 9a 11p; - East & West of 25a 2r 15p. Habendum: - unto (iii) subject to 2 mortgages dated 30th Jul 1901 secured on (a) & 5th Feb 1902 secured on (c) and the usual mortgage provisos for redemption. - approved subject to some alterations made in pen by (i) and signed on the 29th Jun 1907; - intended to be witnessed and signed by Francis Smith, clerk to (i) and P.Ferguson of 14 Archway Road [Middlesex], accountant
  • Date free text
    c.Jun 1907 [original dated 22nd Jul 1907]
  • Production date
    From: 1901 To: 1907
  • Format
  • Level of description