• Reference
  • Title
    Agreement for sale with attached plans Parties: (i) Rebecca Cranfield of Kempston Hardwick, Beds, widow; (ii) John Cathles Hill of Southwood Hall, Highgate [Middlesex], brick manufacturer. Operative: - (i) agrees to sell (a) to (ii) for £3550; - title to (a-d) shall commence from a conveyance dated 15th Oct 1847 and made between (1) William Parsons, Christopher Parsons and James Parsons (2) said William Parsons (3) John Shepherd Cranfield (4) Theed Pearse; - title to (e) shall commence from a conveyance dated 20th Nov 1872 and made between (1) Reverend Thomas Beach Whitehurst (2) Charles Gregory Emery (3) said Charles Gregory Emery and Rea Corbet (4) Miller Corbet and Mary Louisa Jane his wife (5) John Shepherd Cranfield. Property: - estate of the late William Parsons at Wootton Pillinge, Wootton, Beds: (a) piece of ground where a messuage or tenement formerly stood with a parcel of inclosed land then called Home Ground Pasture but now divided into two closes and called Home Close and Dove House Close of 17a 2r 12p then in the occupation of Francis Clarke; (b) piece of ground where a cottage called Gorges cottage formerly stood with a pightle called Wood Pightle together of 2a 34p; (c) wood, sward and arable ground known as Long Close, Wood Close and Rows Wood of 22a 1r 27p; - (a-c) were formerly in the occupation of William Woodman; (d) arable land called Ploughed Cloghill of 29a 1r 25p… ‘this property is subject to a perpetual yearly rent or sum of thirteen shillings and six pence for the benefit of six poor widows in Bedfordshire’; (e) arable land known as ‘East and West’ of 25a 2r 15p now in the occupation of Rebecca Cranfield, bounded on SE by The Bedford and Cambridge Line of railway, NW and SW by land now or late of Sir Coventry Payne and NE by the road leading from Wootton to Kempston Hardwicke. - signed by (ii) and intended to be witnessed and signed by P. Ferguson of 7 Archway Road [Middlesex], accountant.
  • Date free text
    1 Mar 1900
  • Production date
    From: 1847 To: 1900
  • Format
  • Level of description