- ReferenceX420/13/2/16
- Title"To Mrs. Woodward, Mr. & Mrs. Belsham, Mrs. & Miss Palmer, Frances Lansdale, Mary Camkin, W. Rayner, W. Stillington, W. Brown". "As for 'Rending or cutting you off, casting out of the church, excommunicating & c' - be assured no such terms were used, no such ideas conveyed or intended. Nothing more was done or aimed at than a bare declaration that you had voluntarily and deliberately withdrawn from us, and are no longer members with us & c. as above. Written by the desire of the church by your humble Servant, Joshua Symonds."
- Date free text3 November 1773
- Production dateFrom: 1773 To: 1773
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keyword
- Keywords
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