• Reference
  • Title
    An address to my Brethren .... Some considerations and reasons for my not agreeing to the alterations in the church consequent upon the pastor's change of sentiments in regard to baptism. Closely worded four page letter written by a Deacon of Bunyan Meeting Jonathan Negus. "I am greatly and I think justly alarmed to see how fast the baptist party is gaining ground in this church.... and how calmly and tamely the paedo-baptists are giving up their power into the hands of their opponents, who when they have gained their point .... may very likely .... refuse any paedo-baptists, being admitted into the church..." "We are not without repeated instances in our day, and country, of the unchristian conduct of the baptists of not admitting others into their communion: there is the church at Ridgment of an open is become a strict baptist church, and another set up at Staughton and another at Irtlingborough upon the same footing in little more than as many years; so that I think it behoves the paedo-baptists, where they have the power yet in their hands, to be greatly on guard, against any encroachments being made upon them ...." "I beg leave to recommend it to your serious consideration, my ... brethren whether you can think that person who has cut the cables of the ship, when it was safe in it's desired haven of peace and happiness, and driven her out into the tempestuous ocean .... is so skilful a pilot, as to be ever likely to reconduct her into her desired port..." "I must ... declare ... it to be my indispensible duty to withdraw from the communion of this church, if any more of the members of it are rebaptised whether by Mr. S. or others, or any more anabaptists are taken into it ...." "Upon the whole ... I neither plead for anything but what has been allowed, nor against anything that has been practised by this church ever since I have been a member thereof: but only for its continuance in the same state, which it already evidently appears impossible it should be under a baptist pastor. These are my private sentiments, no one having in the least influenced me. Hour really distressed brother. Jona. Negus
  • Date free text
    3 September 1772
  • Production date
    From: 1772 To: 1772
  • Level of description