- ReferenceWW1/AC/OP1/2
- TitleFile of objections to Orders to Plough; the file consists of a list of Orders to be suspended and a list not to be suspended; and the original Order(s), (which state that the War Agricultural Executive Committee ordered a certain number of acres at a certain number on the Ordnance Survey Map 1901 in a certain parish to be broken up and ploughed to produce food) together with objections by the farmer concerned - the objections give the following details: name of occupier; parish; acreage of farm (divided into arable and pasture); acreage in respect of which the Order was served; whether fallows were in a satisfactory state; total number of working horses on the farm; total labour employed (divided into men, women, boys under 18, soldiers and prisoners-of-war); further material may include a copy of the Ordnance Survey map showing the land involved and correspondence; the following individuals and farms are included: - Mark Abraham and Sons - Broom Hills Farm, Leighton Buzzard; - Robert Addie - Long Lane Farm, Toddington; - Sir W.R.D.Adkin - Shooting Syndicate land in Knotting; - Thomas Allen - Highfields Farm, Goldington; - J.H.Ashby - Bragenham Farm, Soulbury [Buckinghamshire] (land in Heath & Reach); - Henry Banks - Hill Farm, Little Staughton and Manor Farm, Pertenhall ; - T.G.Barnard - Red Cow Farm, Dunstable and Lynch Farm, Kensworth; - Frank Bates - Bushmead, Eaton Socon; - John M.Britten - Overend Green, Heath & Reach; - John Barnard Brown - Road Farm, Houghton Conquest; - Groom Bunker - Trinity Hall, Hockliffe (land in Chalgrave); - W.J. & F.G.Bunker - Thorne Farm, Chalgrave; - John Smith Campbell - Marston Park, Marston Moretaine; - W.Campbell - Lidlington; - Charles Capon - Middle Field Farm, Henlow; - George Chandler - Hill Farm, Markyate; - Christopher Claridge - Heath & Reach; - C.R.Clarke - Lower Farm, Swineshead; - J.W.Coggins - Top Farm, Upper Dean; - A.J.Cook and Thomas John Cook - Brewer's Hill, Dunstable (land in Houghton Regis); - Dan Cook - Sewell Farm, Dunstable (land in Houghton Regis and Totternhoe); - Edwin Charles Cooper - Willington (land in Cardington); - Henry Corbett - Backnoe End Farm, Bolnhurst (land in Thurleigh); - Thomas J.Cranfield - Lye Mead Farm, Millbrook; - J.W.Crisp - Brickhill Pastures, Ampthill; - James Crouch - Segenhoe Manor Farm, Ridgmont; - Thomas Dancer - Rammemere Farm, Heath & Reach (land in Heath & Reach and Soulbury) [Buckinghamshire]); - Frank Dollimore - Orchard Farm, Pulloxhill; - George Dunkley - Houghton Conquest; - David Eames - Bury Farm, Stanbridge; - J.Evans - Clay Hill Farm, Westoning; - A. & L.Fensome - Bidwell Farm, Houghton Regis; - Miss A.Field - Ampthill; - William George Fisher - Cleathill Farm, Ravensden (land in Wootton and Ravensden); - Charles Anstee Foll - Chalgrave Manor; - G.A.Fountain - Cowbridge Farm, Toddington; - William Freeman - Checkley Wood Farm, Hockliffe (land in Heath & Reach); - Charles H.Gardner - Rectory Farm, Pulloxhill; - John Giles - Horsehills Farm, Harlington; - J.N.Godfrey - Sharpenhoe (land in Streatley and Harlington); - Albert James Green and Walter William Green - Dell Farm, Dunstable (land in Houghton Regis); - Walter Green - Manor Farm, Billington; - John Griffin - The Old Farm, Stanbridge; - Anthony Harris - Dairy Farm, Silsoe (land in Silsoe and Pulloxhill); - Arthur William Harris - Eversholt; - Samuel Charles Harrison - Hill Farm, Salph End, Renhold; - George Heady - Stud Farm, Stanbridge; - Robert Hedges - Manor Farm, Potsgrove; - Joseph Hill - Hill Farm, Potsgrove; - Harry Holben - Grounds Farm and Leonard's Farm, Hockliffe; - Edmund Holt - Trayles Field Farm, Ravensden; - Hubert Edgar Horsford - Dean; - William Hull - Church Farm, Roxton; - Thomas Humbley - Bushmead Farm, Eaton Socon; - George Humphreys - Brogborough Park Farm, Ridgmont (land in Ridgmont and Lidlington); - Charles Ibbott - College Farm, Oakley; - Emily Inwards - Church Farm, Hockliffe; - Charles Jordan - Herne Dairy Farm, Toddington; - Charles A.Joyce - Salph End Farm, Renhold; - John Keech - Cardington; - Edgar E. Kestell and Sidney S.Kestell - Kingswood Farm, Heath & Reach; - Nathaniel King - Church Farm, Colmworth - W.C.Knowlton - Podington; - William Labrum - Green Farm, Billington; - Christopher Charles Lancaster - Cardington; - W.W.Lowe - Park Farm, Steppingley; - F.A.Mardle - Bidwell, Houghton Regis; - Benjamin Measures - Grange Farm, Dean (land in Melchborne and Dean); - A.E. & G.F.Muckleston - Grounds Farm, Hockliffe; - George Newman - Mount Pleasant Farm, Stagsden (land in Turvey); - Alfred Nixon - Channels End Farm, Colmworth; - Walter Northwood - Wilstead; - John Olney - Bull Farm of Hockliffe (land in Tilsworth); - Arthur Panter - Cowridge End Farm, Round Green, Luton (land in Stopsley and Limbury); - William Panter - Luton, butcher (land in Limbury); - H.J.Peppitt - Sow Farm, Colmworth; - Edward E.Phillips - King's Farm, Maulden; - James Price - Manor Farm and Bray Farm, Tilsworth; - Frederick Ray - Wootton Pillinge Farm, Wootton; - H.J.Ream - Tempsford (land in Everton); - Ralph Maxey Riglen - Vale Farm, Lidlington; - George Roff - New House Farm, Billington; - W.D. & T.W.Ross - Cross End Farm, Thurleigh; - William Saunders - Church Farm, Eggington; - William E.Seabrook - Beadlow, Shefford; - William Simmons - Grounds Farm, Hockliffe; - William Simons - Little Birchfields Farm, Great Barford (land in Great Barford and Renhold); - George Ernest Spavins - Cardington; - A.J.Stanbridge - Hill Farm, Houghton Conquest; - Thomas Stanbridge - Church End Farm, Eversholt; - Frederick Stanton - Channels End and Rectory Farms, Colmworth; - Thomas Stanton - Ravensden; - Arthur H.Sturges and Nathaniel Sturges - Beckerings Manor Farm, Ridgmont; - Lt.Col.T.J.Sunderland - Ravensden Grange; - Arthur Thomas Swales - Romp Hall Farm, Thurleigh; - Arthur Syratt - Centre Farm, Battlesden; - Mrs.Thomson - Manor Farm, Thurleigh; - Harry Newport Topham - Honeydon, Eaton Socon; - Julia Ellen Topham - Hall End Farm, Thurleigh; - F.H.Tucker - Red Lion Farm, Elstow; - Thomas Wagstaff - Scald End Farm, Thurleigh; - T.Waite - Crab Tree Farm, Wavendon [Buckinghamshire] (land in Wavendon and Aspley Guise); - E.J.Walker - Keysoe Grange (land in Little Staughton); - George Walker - Jackman's Farm, Goldington; - S.H.Whitbread - Southill (land in Eastcotts); - John Edward White - Kempston (land in Wootton and Marston Moretaine); - Hannah Williams - Eastfields, Melchborne; - Charles Wood - Poplar Farm, Totternhoe; - C.Woods - Tilsworth; - Frederick Yirrell - Hill Farm, Stanbridge; - Thomas Yirrell - Hill Farm, Stanbridge. [ex WAO 9/1-2]
- Date free text1918 - 1919
- Production dateFrom: 1918 To: 1919
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keywordOrdnance Survey,
Abraham, Mark,
Addie, Robert,
Ashby, J.H.,
Banks, Henry,
Barnard, T.G.,
Bates, Frank,
Britten, John M.,
Bunker, Groom,
Brown, John Barnard,
Bunker, W.J.,
Bunker, F.G.,
Campbell, John Smith,
Campbell, W,
Capon, Charles,
Chandler, George,
Claridge, Christopher,
Clarke, C.R.,
Coggins, J.W.,
Cook, A J,
Cook, Thomas John,
Cook, Dan,
Cooper, Edwin Charles,
Corbett, Henry,
Cranfield, Thomas J.,
Crisp, J.W.,
Crouch, James,
Dancer, Thomas,
Dollimore, Frank,
Dunkley, George,
Eames, David,
Evans, J.,
Fensome, A.,
Fensome, L.,
Field, A.,
Fisher, William George,
Foll, Charles Anstee,
Fountain, G A,
Freeman, William,
Gardner, Charles H.,
Giles, John,
Godfrey, J.N.,
Green, Albert James,
Green, Walter,
Griffin, John,
Harris, Anthony,
Harris, Arthur William,
Harrison, Samuel Charles,
Heady, George,
Hedges, Robert,
Hill, Joseph,
Holben, Harry,
Holt, Edmund,
Horsford, Hubert Edgar,
Hull, William,
Humbley, Thomas,
Humphreys, George,
Ibbott, Charles,
Inwards, Emily,
Jordan, Charles,
Joyce, Charles A.,
Keech, John,
Kestell, Edgar E.,
Kestell, Sidney S.,
King, Nathaniel,
Knowlton, W.C.,
Labrum, William,
Lancaster, Christopher Charles,
Lowe, W.W.,
Mardle, F A,
Measures, Benjamin,
Muckleston, A.E.,
Muckleston, G F,
Newman, George,
Nixon, Alfred,
Northwood, Walter,
Olney, John,
Panter, Arthur,
Panter, William,
Peppitt, H.J.,
Phillips, Edward, E.,
Price, James,
Ray, Frederick,
Ream, H.J.,
Riglen, Ralph Maxey,
Roff, George,
Ross, T W,
Ross, W D,
Saunders, William,
Seabrook, William Edward,
Simmons, William,
Simons, William,
Spavins, George Ernest,
Stanbridge, A.J.,
Stanbridge, Thomas,
Stanton, Frederick,
Stanton, Thomas,
Sturges, Arthur H.,
Sturges, Nathaniel,
Sunderland, T.J.,
Swales, Arthur Thomas,
Syratt, Arthur,
Topham, Harry Newport,
Topham, Julia Ellen,
Tucker, F.H.,
Wagstaff, Thomas,
Waite, T.,
Walker, E.J.,
Walker, George,
Whitbread, S.H.,
White, John Edward,
Williams, Hannah,
Wood, Charles,
Woods, C.,
Yirrell, Frederick,
Yirrell, Thomas - KeywordsWorld War One, Bedfordshire County Council, ploughing, horses, agricultural labour, employment of women, Prisoners of war, service personnel, at home (WW1), Ordnance Survey, maps, Leighton Buzzard Broomhills Farm, Toddington Long Lane Farm, shooting, Soulbury Bragenham Farm, Goldington Highfields Farm, Little Staughton Hill Farm, Pertenhall Manor Farm, Dunstable Red Cow Farm, Kensworth Lynch Farm, Houghton Conquest Road Farm, Tebworth Thorne Farm, Henlow Middle Field Farm, Markyate Hill Farm, Swineshead Lower Farm, Upper Dean Top Farm, Houghton Regis Sewell Farm, Thurleigh Backnoe End Farm, Millbrook Lye Mead Farm, Ridgmont Segenhoe Manor Farm, Heath & Reach Rammemere Farm, Pulloxhill Orchard Farm, Stanbridge Bury Farm, Westoning Clayhill Farm, Houghton Regis Bidwell Farm, Ravensden Cleat Hill Farm, Toddington Cowbridge Farm, Hockliffe Checkley Wood Farm, Pulloxhill Rectory Farm, Harlington Horsehills Farm, Dunstable Dell Farm, Silsoe Dairy Farm, Billington Manor Farm, Stanbridge Old Farm, Renhold Hill Farm, Stanbridge Stud Farm, Potsgrove Manor Farm, Potsgrove Hill Farm, Hockliffe Grounds Farm, Hockliffe Leonards Farm, Ravensden Trayles Fields Farm, Roxton Church Farm, Eaton Socon Bushmead Farm, Brogborough Park Farm, Oakley College Farm, Hockliffe Church Farm, Toddington Herne Dairy Farm, Renhold Salph End Farm, Heath & Reach Kingswood Farm, Colmworth Church Farm, Billington Green Farm, Upper Dean Grange Farm, Steppingley Park Farm, Stagsden Mount Pleasant Farm, Colmworth Channel End Farm, Tilsworth Bull Farm, Luton Cowridge End Farm, butcher, Colmworth Sow Farm, Maulden Kings Farm, Tilsworth Manor Farm, Tilsworth Bray Farm, Wootton Pillinge Farm, Lidlington Vale Farm, Billington New House Farm, Thurleigh Cross End Farm, Eggington Church Farm, Great Barford Little Birchfield Farm, local government orders, Houghton Conquest Hill Farm, Eversholt Church End Farm, Thurleigh Romp Hall Farm, Ridgmont Beckerings Manor Farm, Thurleigh Hall End Farm, Battlesden Centre Farm, Thurleigh Manor Farm, Elstow Red Lion Farm, Thurleigh Scald End Farm, Aspley Guise Crabtree Farm, Goldington Jackmans Farm, Totternhoe Poplar Farm, Stanbridge Hill Farm, AMPTHILL, ASPLEY GUISE, GREAT BARFORD, BATTLESDEN, Bidwell, BOLNHURST, BROGBOROUGH, Bushmead, CARDINGTON, CHALGRAVE, COLMWORTH, DEAN, Upper Dean, DUNSTABLE, Dunstable Brewers Hill, EASTCOTTS, EATON SOCON, EGGINGTON, ELSTOW, EVERSHOLT, EVERTON, GOLDINGTON, HARLINGTON, HEATH & REACH, Heath & Reach Overend Green, HENLOW, HOCKLIFFE, Honeydon, HOUGHTON CONQUEST, HOUGHTON REGIS, KEMPSTON, KENSWORTH, KEYSOE, Keysoe Grange, KNOTTING, LEIGHTON BUZZARD, LIDLINGTON, LIMBURY, LUTON, Luton Round Green, MARKYATE, MARSTON MORETAINE, MAULDEN, MELCHBOURNE, MILLBROOK, OAKLEY, PERTENHALL, PODINGTON, POTSGROVE, PULLOXHILL, RAVENSDEN, RENHOLD, ROXTON, Salph End, RIDGMONT, Segenhoe, Sewell, SHEFFORD, SILSOE, Soulbury, SOUTHILL, STANBRIDGE, LITTLE STAUGHTON, STEPPINGLEY, STOPSLEY, STREATLEY, SWINESHEAD, TEMPSFORD, Thorn, THURLEIGH, TILSWORTH, TODDINGTON, TOTTERNHOE, Wavendon, WESTONING, WILLINGTON, WILSHAMSTEAD, WOOTTON, Wootton Pillinge, Hockliffe Trinity Hall, Marston Moretaine Marston Park, Ampthill fields, Chalgrave Manor, Sharpenhoe, Beadlow, Ravensden Grange
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