• Reference
    HF147/4/739A, B, C, D, E & F
  • Title
    Deposition of James Winch, Joseph Bell, William Kitchiner, John Edwards, Rebecca Aireton, Albert Ell and Frederick White. Winch, bill poster and general dealer of Shortsmead Street, Biggleswade said he had put his cart alongside his property in the yard which was shared by Mr White, ironmonger. Winch heard his cart being moved. White's brother-in-law Joseph Bell said the cart was on their land. Winch denied this, pushing Bell away from his cart. Winch declared that Bell pushed him over then attacked him with a shovel injuring his hand which he had put up to protect his head. Winch denied throwing ashes into Bell's face. William Kithener saw Winch fall down but did not see a blow struck. He did see Bell attack Winch with the shovel. He did not see Winch strike at Bell. John Edwards, Mr White's apprentice, said the cart was on Mr White's land and Bell moved it onto Winch's side of the yard. He saw Winch push Bell away and strike him on the ear. Winch fell down and Bell ran away, Winch got up and knocked Bell into the corner of the yard. He said that Bell held up the shovel in self protection. He said Winch injured his hand when he struck out at Bell. Rebecca Aireton was playing in Bensons Bow and heard Winch say he 'would smash Bell's bloody brains out'. Bell ran away from Winch. Albert Ell, White's apprentice remembered Winch threatening to smash Bell's bloody brains out. Frederick White heard Winch say he would smash Bell's bloody Brains out and that he would murder him . Fine 5/-, costs 8/-, disruption 6/-, service 6/-.
  • Date free text
    25 June 1875
  • Production date
    From: 1875 To: 1875
  • Level of description