- ReferenceR6/63/4/39
- TitleRelease Parties: (i) John Gostelow late of Woburn, innholder, now of Mile End [Middlesex], gentleman; (ii) William Osborn of Woburn, grocer; (iii) Francis Ireland of Red Lyon Street, Spitalfields [Middlesex], gentleman; (iv) Thomas Jackson of Dorset Street, Spitalfields, carpenter; (v) Hugh Parnell of Church Street, Spitalfields, gentleman Reciting: - will of John Gostelow as at R6/63/4/27; - proof of John Gostelow's will by Mary, his widow; - death of Mary Gostelow on 9 Feb 1799 intestate leaving her son (i) as a minor - R6/63/4/30; - R6/63/4/31; - R6/63/4/32; - £670 still owing to Thomas Battams but all interest paid - representative of Henry Clarke of Woburn, innkeeper, deceased stood possessed of remaining term of years from mortgage of 19 Oct 1713 recited in R6/63/4/3 and this should continue, the term being held in trust for (iii); - term of years from mortgage at R6/63/4/23 was vested in (ii) Operative Part: - (iii) paid £250 to (i); - (iv) paid 5/- to (i); - (i), at request of (iii), released (a)-(b) to (iii)-(iv); - (ii) assigned remaining term of years of mortgage at R6/63/4/23 to (v) Property: (a) messuage in Corn Market, Woburn formerly called Black [sic White] Lion Inn, now called Wheatsheaf with new erected malthouse adjoining and messuage adjoining to N; (b) orchard or pightle of pasture adjoining; (a)-(b) in occupation of George Bull by lease for seven years of 19 Mar 1802 at £50 per annum; Habendum: - to (iii) and (iv) subject to mortgages to Thomas Battams [see R6/63/4/32] in trust: to uses of (iii)'s will; to use of (iii) for life; remainder to (iv) to use of (iii) Witnesses: - Robert Lloyd, clerk to Hugh Parnell; - Hugh Parnell junior, clerk to Hugh Parnell senior; - M.Osborn; - Joseph Butson, clerk to Hugh Parnell; - M.Holloway, clerk to Hugh Parnell - indorsed with redemption of mortgage of 8 Apr 1805 to Thomas Battams by Francis Ireland; witnessed by John Buckby and W.S.Dagnall, clerk to Cooch of Newport Pagnell [Buckinghamshire], attorney
- Date free text6 Jul 1803
- Production dateFrom: 1713 To: 1805
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keyword
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