• Reference
  • Title
    Folio 170 - Will of John Farr/Fayre of Aspley Gwyse
  • Date free text
    made 16 Aug. 1551 pr. 10 Aug. 1551 [sic]
  • Production date
    From: 1551 To: 1551
  • Scope and Content
    "I bequeth my Soull to Allmeghtie God my Redemer and Maker" [sic] and burial "in Cristian buryall". To the mother church of Lincoln 2d... To son-in-law Edward Walys 2 acres of barley, 2 acres of beans and pease, a black mare and a red heifer. To testator's brother's son John Ferr the half yard land which testator lately bought of Richard Fychet and an acre of barley and an acre of beans to sow it with. To son-in -law Thomas Warde the copyholding with the appurtenances where he now dwells paying to testator's executors 40s.. All the other copyholdings which testator has in the town and fields of Aspley Gwyse he leaves to his wife Alys and son William to occupy together. His son-in-law Edward Wallys is to have 3 acres of fallow land, one in the Sand Field and 2 in the Cley "dureing the terme of my Copye of the yerde lande". To his daughter Elezabeth Ferr a red heifer with a star in the forehead, half a quarter of wheat and half a quarter of rye, a quarter of barley, a quarter of beans. To testator's brother's son John Ferr a two year old heifer with a "brockele" face . To son-in-law Thomas Warde a two year old red heifer. To John Farre of Wavendon 2 bushel of wheat 2 bushel of rye half a quarter of barley and half a quarter of beans, and the same John is to occupy the 2 acres of land which he now has paying executors 12d.. Residue to wife Alys and son William, who are executors, and the overseers are to be Master Francis Bowstred and Master William Hall both of Bedford, each to have 20s.. Witnesses John Tylcocke the elder, Jasper Hudson, Thomas Warde, John Farr of Wavendon.
  • Level of description