Folio 137d - Will of Roger Hiche / Hyche of Kemston.
Date free text
made 22 Oct. pr. 1 Dec. 1550
Production date
From: 1550 To: 1550
Scope and Content
"Furst I bequeth my Soull to Allmeghtie God and my body to be bured in the churche yerde of Kempston".
To his son Thomas Hiche the house bought of Thomas Barbor which is held of Olyver Sanct John esquire after the custom of the town "as it doth appere by a copy taken of Sir Michill Fyssher knight" and the surrender remains in the hands of Thomas Newolde to the use of his son Thomas. To him also three acres of free land which testator bought of John Crawley (as can be seen in a deed of feoffment), and 4 milch beasts, 2 oxen, and 6 sheep besides his own cattle, and 3 pewter dishes and a brass pot.
To his son Richard the close lying in Wood Ende which testator bought of John Crayley as appears in a deed, also a copyholding called Lawmans held of Raffe Astry gentleman "aftur the Custome of the peny land as it doth more planely appere in his Cowrte Rowlle" the surrender of which remains in the hands of Thomas Newold to the use of Richard. To him also three milch beasts and a breeder, 2 oxen, and 6 sheep besides his own cattle, also three pewter dishes and a brass pot.
Should either Thomas or Richard die without issue, then the other brother to be his heir.
To son William the house that testator's father bought of Bartholomewe Bowghton which the miller now lives in, together with all appurtenances, as held of Master Olyver Sanct John esquire after the custom of the manor, and the surrender to the use of William remains in the hands of Thomas Newold. To William also three milch beasts, 2 oxen, 6 sheep, besides his own cattle, with 3 pewter dishes and a brass pot.
The residue of testator's free and copyhold land (of which two are copyholds of Lorde Bray's manor, and Swanes Close is held of Raffe Astry gentleman's manor after the custom of "peny lande", the surrenders remaining in the hands of Thomas Newolde) are to go to his son John together with 5 milch beasts, 2 oxen, 6 sheep, besides his own cattle, 3 pewter dishes, and should either William or John die without issue, then their property to go to the survivor.
Should any son want to sell his land, then he should sell to a brother, the price to be decided by their friends. They are to occupy their land when they come to the age of 18 at the discretion of testator's executor John Bulmer, but if John Bulmer thinks fit, not until the age of 20.
Wife Cristian to have the keeping of all his children's goods while she remains single, but if she remarries then "my trustie and faythfull executor" shall make proper arrangements with her future husband for the care of the children's legacies.
To Nicholas Alysander a three year old heifer with calf.
Residue of all his milch beasts, oxen and bullocks with all sheep to wife Cristian and son John Hiche to be divided between them, with wife and John Bulmer his executors.
Witnesses sir John Dewe "the oversear of this my laste will and testament", Thomas Newolde, William Allen, John Well', John Savage.
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