Folio 94 - Will of Thomas Boston of Colmorth.
Date free text
made 19 Jan 1549/50, pr. 22 Apr. 1550
Production date
From: 1549 To: 1550
Scope and Content
"I bequeth my soull to Allmeghtye god my creator And Redemer" and his burial in churchyard of Colmorth.
To wife Elzabeth 4 kine and all household stuff, and the lease of the house where he dwells. To his sister Agnes a bullock and a pair of sheets. To his sister Alys a ewe and a lamb. To sister Agnes the younger a ewe and a lamb. To Richard Sawnd the son of testator's sister, a ewe and a lamb. To his maid Alys German a ewe and a lamb. The ewes and lambs are to be delivered "in the woll" before shear time. To testator's father Steven Boston his russet coat. To his brother's son Steven Boston 4s.. To brother George Boston his doe skin doublet.
16d. to be given to the poor people at testator's funeral, if there be so many there, or else put the money in the poor man's box. Residue to wife Elezabeth, executrix.
Witnesses William Sheperd the parson there, Steven Boston, John Newman.
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