Folio 71 - Will of John Evered of Luton, yeoman
Date free text
made 18 Nov. pr. 30 Dec. 1549
Production date
From: 1549 To: 1549
Scope and Content
"Furst I bequeth my soull to Allmeghtie God my Redemer and maker to our blessed lady sanct Mary the Virgen and to all the holy compeny of Heven" and his burial in the church of Luton. To the high altar in Luton church for tithes forgotten 3s. 4d.; to the maintaining and repairing of the same church 20s..
To eldest son Thomas Evered the elder, and to his lawful heirs, testator's messuages or tenements and lands in Luton in Hogg Layne, and all his properties in Chylterne Grene in Luton, and in default of heirs, then properties are to revert to testator's right heirs.
To son Thomas Evered the younger and his lawful heirs all the properties in the Churche Strete in Luton where the said Thomas now dwells; a croft of land or pasture called Lowyswycke with 8 acres arable in Blackewater Fyld in [?]Ferme Furlong in the parish of Luton. In default of lawful issue the properties to revert to testator's right heirs. Also to son Thomas Evered the younger and his heirs the tenements and lands in Stoppysley in Luton which testator late purchased of Edward Brockett gentleman; and 50 acres of arable lying on Howte Hill and 2 acres of meadow in the Holmes purchased of John Maynerd gentleman. Also a close of land at Thralesend in Luton containing by estimation one acre purchased of one John Asshby; and 2 acres land lying in Brege Fylde in Luton bought of Roger Barbor the elder.
To his son Richard Evered and to his issue all messuages and lands both freehold and copyhold in Flamsted and Caddington in the counties of Bedford and Hartford, and should he have no lawful heir, then the property to revert to testator's right heirs.
To son-in-law Thomas Welles and Agnes his wife and their lawful issue, the tenement and lands in Stapleford in Luton; also two tenements in Luton which testator bought of one John Laycrofte; one acre of land in Bayly Fylde in Luton which testator bought of Roger Barbor senior and which once belonged to one Herley; and in default of such lawful issue the property to revert to the right heirs of testator. To Thomas and Agnes also 20 quarters of good barley, of which 10 quarters to be given them immediately on testator's death, and the other 10 quarters at the feast of St. Michael the Archangel next.
To the building of the aisle of the church of Luton aforesaid "where the Skaffold doth stand" £10; to the mending of the highway between Castell Stret and Luton and a grove called Barbors Grove £10, which is to be spent the summer next after testator's death. To the mending of the streets within the town of Luton where most need is 40s.. To every one of testator's children's children 6s. 8d.. To the poor householders in the town and parish of Luton a hundred half bushels of malt (every house half a bushel) to be delivered by his executors unless testator has given it before his death.
To sir John Jonson priest his doublet with satin sleeves. To Elezabeth Howse a quarter of good barley. To every godchild a sheep or 2s. in money within a month of testator's death. His executors are to receive the rents due at Michaelmas next for all his lands and tenements towards the performance of the will.
To 20 poor widows in town and parish of Luton 12d. each
To son Richard Evered the remainder of testator's lease of a close at the Hermytage sometime in the tenure of William Aucocke/Ancocke, and he to enter it at the feast of the Annunciation next.
To son Thomas Evered the younger testator's lease of the farm where testator now dwells called Langleys, and also the lease of the house where Thomas Bayley now lives, for the remainder of their respective leases, but this bequest is charged with the sum of £20 to go towards the performance of the will. Thomas Evered the younger is to let Thomas Welles have for one year 10 acres of the same land lying at Blackewater bridge (if Thomas Welles wants to have it) paying a proportion of the rent. To son Thomas Evered the younger five horses and their harness, and all testator's carts and cart gear, ploughs and plough gear, on condition that he pay towards the performance of his father's will £15.
To servant Joane Worley testator's wife's best red kirtle. To his tenant John Sadler a quarter of seed barley. To Lawrence Welles the son of Thomas Welles, a cow which is leased to John Sadler, and he is to have the cow when Thomas Evered (testator's eldest son) enters on the house and lands that John Sadler now holds.
To Ellyn Welles, daughter of Thomas Welles, 10 sheep, which John Sadler now leases. To sir John Jonson in money 6s. 8d..
To son in law Thomas Welles the 14 acres of land held by copy of court roll from Master Walgrave, that is 7 acres in Newland, 5 acres in Bayllyves Fylde and 2 acres in Clampattes Dell, for the remainder of the term.
To his tenant Richard Carpenter half a quarter of seed barley and a black fustian doublet.
If the £10 which has been left toward the building of the aisle of the church is not enough to pay for the hewing and framing of all the timber needed for the aisle, then his executors are to pay for the rest of the charge for the hewing and framing.
To son Thomas Evered the younger, his best gown. To Thomas Welles the second gown. To son Richard Evered his best sleeved coat. To his sister's son William Goodrige the violet sleeved coat. To godson William Stawford his buff leather jerkin. To his sister's son (William George at crossed through} Bedford Howghton 6s. 8d. in money, and to each of her children 6s. 8d..
Sons Thomas Evered the elder and Richard Evered to have part of his household stuff, as decided by executors. To Roger Fynche an ell of kersey.
Residue to son Thomas Evered the younger and son in law Thomas Welles, to use it for health of testator's soul, and they to be his executors, each to have 20s.. Overseer to be Master John Gweneth vicar of Luton, he to have 10s..
Witnesses John Jonson priest, John Est priest, John Tymmes the elder, John Reyner, Roger Fynche.
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