• Reference
    W1397, W1398
  • Title
    Conveyance by lease and release: £6100 (Copy) i) Dame Phillippa Kelynge, widow of Sir John Kelynge late of Inner Temple kt. decd. late one of HM Serjeants at Law, John Kelynge esq. son and heir of Sir Jn. Kelynge, William Boteler of Biddenham esq., Samuel Bedford of Henlow esq., Ralph Baldwin of Ashwell, Herts. gent. ii) Wm Barber of Adderbury, Oxon, esq., John Cokayne of Cokayne Hatler esq. (trustee of Wm. Barber) i-ii for £6100 ... cap. mess. or mansion house in Southill sometime heretofore in ten. Sir Henry Massenberd, late of Sir Jn Kelynge aforesaid, now or late Tan feild Vachill, and all dovehouses, brewhouses, barns, stables, outhouses, orchards etc. ... mess or tenement sometime in occ. Thomas Dilly, and now or late in occ of Robert Lenton or his assigns with barns stables outhouses etc. ... close of pasture now divided into two parts cont. together by est. 15 acres near adjoining to the orchard belonging to the said Capital Messuage and commonly called Dancy bowers alias Over Dancy Bowers and Nether Dancy Bowers now or late in several tenures of Tanfeild Vachill, Jn. Barber ... all that parcel of arable or pasture Ground common called Court Hall lying over against Dancy Bowers and cont. by est. 3a. now or late in ten Thos. Hawkins ... parcel of Midsummer Ground sometimes used to Digg turfe in and called the Thirteen Roods now or late in poss of Jn Barber ... piece of Midsumer Ground called Little Ketswell cont. by est. 1a and a half now or late in occ. Thos. Hawkins ... 2a meadow lying in Broome meade now or late in poss Thos Dilly ... 3a 3r meadow in Northmeade and Lamasmeade now or late in occ Samuel Hill ... piece of ground adj. to Inglands whereupon a cottage did formerly stand and all that parcel of land thereto adj. cont. by est. 3r sometime used to sow hemp on and now or late in pss George Nodes gent ... four pieces of pasture and arable land called Inglands cont. tog. by est. 60 acres now in poss. or occ. of Geo Noades, Jn Barber and Thos Dill ... 104 acres arable in open fields of Southill sometime in several possessions of Sir Henry Massingbergh, Thos Dilly and Jn Barber, and now or late in tenures or occs of Jn Kelynge, Geo Nodes, Jn Barber, Thos Dilly Thos Hawkins and Samuel Hills all above in Southill and in Broome ... messuage or tenement with appurts in Southill called Coxleys now or late in poss of occ of George Mordant and two closes of pasture or inclosed grounds with appurts in Southill called the Conygreys cont. by est. 12 acres; (late in occ. Geo Mondant) and the 180 acres land called Coxleyes lands now or late in occ Dame Phillippa Kelynge and John Barber ... close with appurts in Southill called Birdlimes 2 1/2 acres now or late in poss John Barber ... pightle of ground adj. the Conygreys cont by est 1a now or late in occ Issac Sheffeild ... cottage or tenemnt gdn backside and hempland in Southill adj. the Conygreys now or late in poss Henry Adkins ... cottage or tent. and two closes adj. now used as a garden with appurts in Southill now or late in poss of Isaac Sheffeild or his assigns ... cottage or tenement with backside hemplon and buildings in Southill now or late in poss Wm Carter or his assigns ... Little Broome Close 2 1/2 acres in Broome in Southill now or late occ Nich Pratt which said messuage or tenement called Coxleyes and the other premises were heretofore the lands and inheritance of Jn Kelynge decd. late great grandfather of John Kelyng partyto these presents ... all that messuage or mansion house with yards orchards gardens hemplands and buildings thereto belonging and therewith now or heretofore used in Southill heretofore in occ of Thomas Colbrond gent and now or late in occ Thomas Lenton ... two closes of pasture near adj. to the said messuage or mansion house cont. by est. eight acres now or late in occ Jn Barber or his assigns ... all those pieces of pasture and meadow lying in the Lower Playstowes and Upper Playstowes cont. tog. by est. three acres now or late in poss. Wm Finch ... cottage or tenement with yards orchards gardens hamplands and appurts in East End in Southill now or late in occ Thomas Lavender or his assigns ... close of pasture or arable near adj. cottage or tenement cont. by est. two acres now or late in occ. Jn. Kelynge party to these presents ... several pieces and parcels of arable land ley meadow and pasture ground in common fields of Southill Broome Stanford and Warden sometime heretofore the lands and inheritance of Thomas Colbrond decd. and cont. by est. 44 acres now or late in tenures of Dame Phillippa Kelynge, Thorogood Upwood and Jn Barber and all other property pur by Sir Jn Kelynge late L C J from Thomas Colbrond, Lewis Colbrond and w. Mgt, James Colbrond, Mgt Colbrond, Susan Colbrond, Judith Colbrond, Benj Camfeild and w Martha ... mess mansions house or tent with appurts in East End of Southill once in poss of Richard Young or his assigns now or late in occ Wm Soal or his assigns with ground whereon the mess. stands and the close thereunto belonging in Southill cont. by est. 3r now or late in occ Thoroughgood Upwood ... four acres on rood and a half of arable in common fields of Southil of which ... 3a 1r and a half lie tog at the Ashes two lands lie on Long Mattock on rood in Short Mattocks which were purchased by Sir John Keeling father of Jn Kelynge party hereto from Thos and Mar Inskipp ... mess. or tenemnt with the barns stables orchards gardens and hemplands in Strenford alias Duxall end in Southill sometime in poss Robt Lenton or his assigns and now or late in occ Thomas Fitz-Richard or his Assigns ... a corft or inclosure with appurts in Southill adj. on backside of sd messuage ... one other pightle in Southill lying at the west end of the sd croft con. by est one rood ... three acres 1 rood of arable land lying dispersed in common fields of Southi all of wch were sometime in occ of Eliz Rogers widow and are or late were in poss of Thos FitzRichard and Jn Barber and were pur by Sir Jn Kelynge father of Jn Kelynge party to these presents of William K Lapidge and Anne his wife ... land called Westbookeleys - 21 leys - 7 acres in Southill ... seven poles of Lammas and Midsomer meadow ground in Westbrooke meadow 2a heretofore in tenures Thos Upwood and Jn Barber and now in possession of Dame Phillippa Kelynge Jn Kelynge part of these presents and Wm Finch ... Gore Acre near Westbrooke Leys ... turf ground of sd John Kelynge called Hassocks in Southill one acre ... pieces of arable in common fields with Heydons 10 acres ... two arable lands in Northfield in Blackland flg cont 2r or late in poss Jn Barber ... parcel of ground in furlong in Southill called Blackland cont by est 1r heretofore in occ Thomas Uwood and now or late Jn Kelynge party to presents ... 2 poles of Midsomer Ground in Westbrooke mead in Southill late also in occ Thos Upwood and now or late Jn Barber all which (from Westbrooke Leyes) were purchased by Sir John Kelynge father of John Kelynge party to these presents from John Smith ... 8r lammas meadow in two several parcels in Neathermeade in Southill ... 8r Modsummer meadow in two several parcels in Plashy mead ... piece of turf ground in Southill in Hassocks cont by est 1/2 acre which Sir John Kelyng father of J.K. party purchased of Thoroughgood Upwood ... piece of Woodground called the Grove in Southill cont. by est 1 1/2 acres adj. to the Inglands and now or late in poss of Dame Phillippa Kelynge ... parcel of woodground in Southill cont. by est. 1r adj. to the orchard belonging to the first mentioned Capital Messuage or tenement ... the Advowson donation presentation free guift and disposition of the vicarage of Soutyill ... the cottage or tenement with the appurte in Southill now or late in poss or occ of Elizabeth Lands widow or her assigns ... all tenths and tithes of such parts of premises for which no tithes have been paid within space of 20 years all other appurts to said Capital Mess in Southill or Broom now or late in several poss or occs of Tanfield Vachill, Geo Mordant, Geo Noades, John Barber, Thomas FitzRichards, Robt Lenton, Thos Dilly, Edw Dilly Thos Lenton Eliz Lands, Hen Adkins Isaac Sheffeild Wm Cater Wm Soal Nich Pratt Thos Lavender Samuel Hills Wm Finch Thoroughgood Upwood and Thos Hawkins. definite mention of John Klynge the greate Grandfather Sir John Kelynge LCJ the grandfather Sir John Kelynge the father (John Kelynge party hereto) -- Mess. & hempland in Strenford als Duxall end S'll. form. occ. Rbt. Lenton now Thos. Fitz Richard, croft adjg. backside of ssd. mess., & 1 r. pightle to W., 3 ac. 1 r. in S'll. flds. (in E.Fld., Giddyland furl., Wheatcroft als Kettlewell furl., South als Church fld.) form occ. Eliz. Rogers wid. now Thos. Fitz R. & J.B., purch. by Sir J.K. (f. of J. K. party hereto) from Wm. Lapidge & w. Anne, -- Parcels of sward called Westbrookeleys (21 leys cont. 7 ac.) S'll. 7 p. lamas & midsomer grnd, in Westbrooke Meadow (2 ac.), form. occ. Thos Upwood & J.B. now dame Phil. & J.K. & WF parcel of mead. in S'll. called Gore Acre adjg. afsd. leys & to certain turf grnd. of J.K. called Hassocks (1 ac.), from. occ. J.B. now J.K. 10 ac. parcels in Westbrooke furl. S'll. w. heydons & swerd grn belgg. form. occ. J.B. now W.F., 2 r. in Northfld. S'll. Blackland furl. occ. J.B., 1 r. in same form. occ. Thos. Upwood now J.K. 2 p. midsummer grnd. in Westbrooke mead. late occ. T.U. now J.B., - form. the lands of Jn. Smith & purch. by Sir J.K. the f. -- 8 r. Lamas mead. in 2 parcels in Nethermeade als Lamas M., 8 r. midsmr. mead. in 2 parcels in Plashy meade, 1/2 ac. turf grnd. in Hassocks, - purch. by Sir J.K. the f. of Th. Upwood, parcel of wood grnd. called the Grove S'll. (1 1/2 ac.) adjg. Inglands occ. dame Phillippa, 1 r. wood grnd. S'll. adjg. orchd. of 1st. cap. mess. -- Advowson of S'll. vicarage, -- Cott. occ. Eliz. Lands wid., tithes. Excepts: Mortgage £350 : Sir J.K. the f. now vested in Edm. Halfhyde. (Wm.B. to pay) Wtns. Am. Helbich, Jn. Gibbs, Andrew Hall, Mich. Shelden, Susannah Shelden, Andrew Hall, Nich. Luke, Ri. Gisbey, Wm. Farrer. 24, 25 June 1687 Attested copy 30 June 1693 Wtns. Rich. Cokayne, Ralph Baldwyn.
  • Date free text
    24 Jun 1687, 25 Jun 1687
  • Production date
    From: 1687 To: 1693
  • Level of description