• Reference
    W1373, W1374
  • Title
    Redemise of settlement at W1371: Rent £100. (& counterpart) (i) Barbara & Archdale Palmer. (ii) Sir Wm. Palmer. ''Whereas Sir W.P. stands indebted to B.P. his m. in the principle sum of £2000 & the sd. B.P. hath agreed & is well contented ... to accept ... of the sd. Sir W.P. p.a. ... £100 ... for life ... & out of her love & affection wh. she bears to the sd. Sir W.P. & her affec. & care for her grchn. hath ... agreed ... that after her d. .. the sd. £2000 ... shd. go. .. to the ygr. chn. .. of the sd. Sir W.P. ... by dame Marg. his now wife''. Wyns. Will d'Anvers, Jn. Maior, Wm. Warden(?)
  • Date free text
    21 Jun 1648
  • Production date
    From: 1648 To: 1648
  • Level of description