Letter from F.G.Brightman in Luton to Andrew Underwood:
- Schofield Morris was Wesleyan minister when he first joined the choir in Ampthill and Miss Florence Goodacre was organist, followed three or four years later by [Alston] Yorke the schoolmaster at the Wesleyan School; the photograph AU has sent includes: Henry Stapleton; William Sugars; George Sugars; Kiddy; Miss Wootton and her sister; Winnie Tompkins; Miss Sugars;
- William Sugars was a partner in Sugars & Lucas, painters and decorators in Church Street; [Stephen] Kiddy worked for Prudential Insurance Company and lived across the road from the Friends Meeting House; James Wootton was the postman and came from Clophill, living in Arthur Street when in Ampthill; Henry Stapleton married a Miss Wootton and joined the police force in Canterbury [Kent];
- a man named New currently lived in Dunstable Road, Luton; his grandfather was Arthur New who lived in Arthur Street, Ampthill and was MRCVS [a veterinary surgeon], the grandson was a fruiterer and greengrocer;
- he had not included Harold Phillips in his list of Ampthill firemen [see AU10/91/3], he was collector for the Brigade when it was maintained by public subscription, a job the writer did for a few years
Date free text
18 Aug 1973
Production date
From: 1900 To: 1973
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