• Reference
  • Title
    Draft lease (heavily annotated) Parties: (i) Arthur Macnamara of Billington Manor, Leighton Buzzard, Beds, esquire and JP (ii) Richard Pennington of 64 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, solicitor and JP (iii) Benjamin John Harfield Forder of St.Albans, Hertfordshire, lime manufacturer Reciting: - Will of John Pedley of Caddington Hall, Hertfordshire dated 19th Aug 1835. - Codicil dated 21st Apr 1836 - Settlement in pursuant of above will dated 30th Jun 1846 and made between (1) Timothy Nugent Macnamara & Michael Clayton (2) Nathaniel Clayton (3) Anne St. John (4) Harry Carew & George Carew (5) John Clayton & William Strickland Cookson. - (i) is tenant in life of (a-b) & (ii) is trustee of the above settlement. Operative: - Lease of (a-b) from (i) to (iii) Property: (See attached plans) (a) Piece of land in Caddington, Herts of 10a being part of a farm called Zouches Farm (drawn in pink on plan) (b) Further 10a of land being a further part of the said farm (drawn in green on plan) - (iii) has liberty to extract chalk and limestone from (a-b) - (iii) has liberty to build communication links on (a-b) to the Luton & Dunstable railway Habendum: - Unto (iii) for a term of 50 years at a fixed and certain rent of £250 including royalties as outlined below: Royalties: - 6d per ton and so in proportion for any quantity less than a ton for all lime made from chalk limestone raised or obtained from (a-b) - 1d per cubic foot for all building stone obtained from (a-b) - 1s per ton and so in proportion for any quantity less than a ton for all [?]stone obtained from (a-b) - 9d per ton or so in proportion for any quantity less than a ton for all dibris or waste stone (other than flints) obtained from (a-b) - 3d per ton or so in proportion for any quantity less than a ton for all debris or waste chalk obtained from (a-b) - 4d per ton or so in proportion for any quantity less than a ton for all whiting manufactured upon (a-b) or from chalk limestone obtained from (a-b) - 6d per ton or so in proportion for any quantity less than a ton for any other article manufactured upon (a-b) - 20s per ton or so in proportion for any quantity less than a ton for all coprolites raised from (a-b). Covenants: - (iii) might extract from (a-b) without paying any royalties if the amount yielded does not exceed the fixed rent. - 3/4 of the rent to be put towards the reversions outlined in the recited will; 1/4 to be put towards (ii) or any other trustees of the said will. - Several further tenancy clauses stated
  • Production date
    From: 1835 To: 1895
  • Level of description