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    [f. 189]Richard Knightley, made 26 June 1546, no probate act, but note of date, 1st. August. Burial in the parish churchyard of Dunstable. To mother church of Lincoln 2d.; to the high altar for tithes omitted 2d.. To John Mayden his best gabardine, a doublet, jerkin and 3s. 4d. sterling. To Thomas Heth his worsted jacket, a doublet and 3s. 8d.; to Antony Heth his best hose and a cap; to Elzabeth Heth 20d.; to Jone Heth 20d.. 12s. sterling to be bestowed amongst the poor people in Dunstable. To John Mayden 20d.. To his mother in law 2s.. His executrix is to lay 20 loads of flint stones in the high way in the south end of Dunstable between the Spyttell and the town ditch. To daughter Elzabeth his tenement in the Sowthend of Dunstable now in the tenure of Thomas Whyte, a close in the Weste End of Dunstable and 2 acres of arable land lying in Kenysworth Fild to hold to her and the heirs of her body, and in default of such heirs to revert to testator's daughter Jone and the heirs of her body, and in default of such issue then to remain to testator's wife Emme and her assigns for the term of her life, and on her death premises to be sold by her executors or by the church wardens and four of the "beste and most honest" men of Dunstable "and they sex persones shall have full power to sell" and of the money arising £3 is to go to a priest to sing half a year for souls of testator and all Christians, and £3 to be used on the high ways, and the residue of the money on deeds of charity. To daughter Jone £3 6s. 8d. on the day of her marriage, and should she die before she is married then the money to daughter Elzabeth . Residue to wife Emme sole executrix, with William Heth his Overseer, he to have 3s. 4d.. Witnesses Thomas Cowper priest, John Mayden', John Freman.
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    From: 1546 To: 1546
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