[f. 185] John Wyan clerk, vicar of Okeley, made 26 Mar., note of probate 20 July 1546.
"I bequeth my soull to Allmethtie God to our lady his mother and to all the holy company in heaven". Burial in the chancel of Okeley.
To the maintenance of the ornaments and repairs of Okeley churche 13s. 4d.. To the upkeep of the bells 3s. 4d.; to the mother church of Lincoln 4d.. He wills to sir Robert Par, priest, half a year's service to be sung in Okeley church or Revenysden church, he to have for his wages 45s. 8d. "to pray for my soull and for all the soulless that I am bownd to pray for and for all Cristen soulless". For the next three years at the feast of Pentecost 6s. 8d. is to be given to the church wardens of Okeley to buy wheat and malt to their May Ale so that the poor people of Okeley do not have to pay for either wheat or malt for the Ale.
He leaves 4d.each to Thomas Lordysman, Henry Negowse, John Flaunders, Agnes Russell, Thomas Gayle, William Stokes, Thomas Bery, William Scott, William Cookke, John Breten, Robert Lordisman, Simon Browne, William Skott, George Stoke, Henry Stoke at the well, William Warde, John Gurney, Thomas Stokes senior, Roger Pitmar', John Haryson, Henry Blewett, John Stokes, John Tylbeuke, Richard Edward, George Waykefild, Margret Loo, John Bery, Henry Kymshend. 4d. each also to William Stoke singleman and William Denys.
To Master Reyner commissary and to Master Stryke a peacock and 2 peahens each. To Master Marshall, if he is still alive, a silver spoon of the best. To Master Byrd vicar of Polles all his painted cloths in the Hall "with the batellmentes". To sir Nicholas Dynsey parson of St. Curthbertes his best tippet of sarcenet . To sir William Lordysman parson of Fernediche a damask hood. To sir John Alderman vicar of Clopham his best cap. To sir John Newman the best fire fork. To sir Henry Atkynson his saye [satin] tippet, and his second best bonnet. To sir Thomas Negowse his black coat lined with saye [satin]. To the vicar of Bromham his velvet cap. To sir Thomas Wyall his long black gown lined with satin of Syperes [Cyprus], a worsted doublet, a tippet and all his books. To sir John Wyall his best short gown and a chamblet coat. To sir Robert Par a gown, a "fryssadow" coat, a tippet, a bonnet and a shirt.
To testator's sister Margret Strassham his best short black gown, a pairof new flaxen sheets, a new pillow with a bere, 2 shirts and 20s.. To Robert Peverill for his lifetime, then to his son Nicholas Peverill, the best featherbed with the bolster, a "spen', spev'" of dornix with curtains and all the painted cloths in the Over Chamber, the second folding table, a long turned settle with a green banker, a pair of blankets, and all the wood in the Vicarage Yard.
To John Wyan of Revenysden for his lifetime, then to his son, testator's godson, a brass pot, his second featherbed, all the painted cloths in the Nether Chamber and the best joined table with the best trestles. To Agnes Kynnersley the daughter of Thomas Kymersley and Margaret (if she is still alive and in need within 3 years of testator's death) a pair of the best flaxen sheets, a table cloth, the best towel, 6 "cownteffyt" dishes of pewter and six silver spoons of the second dozen.
To John Norman and his wife Elzabeth 6s. 8d. each, and also all the debts that Master Rowse and his wife owe testator, as appears in testator's book of debts; also all the debt that John Norman owes testator which is £3 8s.. To Mawde Norman a mattress, a pair of harden sheets, 2 dishes and 2 saucers of pewter. To each of John Norman's children 3s. 4d..
To John Burreham a short turned settle with a green banker, 2 great cushions, and all the wood lying by the barn in the Parsonage, and to Agnes Burreham 2 silver spoon of the second dozen. To John Burreham the second green coffer. To Thomas Stokes 2 great cushions and 2 silver spoons of the second dozen. All the wood in the Parsonage Yard at the chamber end is to be divided between Thomas Stookes and Henry Kymshed. To Henry Kymshed a mattress, a new pair of harden sheets, and testator's boat with the fishing nets.
To every godchild 8d.. To Jone Duffeld 6 diaper napkins.
The residue of his wood and faggots that lie in the yard next to the vicarage are to be given to the poor folks in Okeley at the discretion of his executors. Two of his best gowns are to be sold to whoever will give the most money for the performance of the will.
To Mawde Norman the fourth coverlet, a bedstead that stands in the Over Chamber, 2 candlesticks (one of the best and the other of the second best). To Elzabeth Norman the younger 2 candlesticks. To William Norman the third coverlet and a pair of flaxen sheets.
To Elzabeth Peverell the daughter of Robert Peverell, testator's best featherbed with the bolster, the second brass pan. To Joan daughter of Robert Peverell the best brass pan, his cupboard that stands in the Nether Chamber. To Robert Peverell "a grownd ende of oke" on condition that Robert make coffers of the wood for his children.
To godson John Canon of Barford his best folding table, a "celler" with the curtains.
If the incumbent of Okeley and Revenysden will not permit and suffer sir Robert Par to sing and pray for the souls of testator and all Christians, then he asks Master Byard priest and sir Nicholas Dynsey, his executors, to assign the place for the services to be said.
If any person who is a beneficiary under the will vex or trouble any other person named in the will, then their legacies to be taken by the executors and sold and the money given to poor people to the benefit of testator's soul. Beneficiaries are to give executors a general acquittance.
Witnesses sir Robert Par, John Burham, George Wakefild, Henry Stoke, "ac etiam test. manu mea propria per me Johannem Wyan vic. de Okeley", and recited in the presence of sir George Butman vicar of Steventon, sir Alexander Clarke vicar of Bromham sir Robert Wilkenson, Robert Peverell.
Executors Master John Byrd vicar of Polles, sir Nicholas Dynsey parson of Sanct Cuthbertes, John Wyan of Revenysden; Supervisor Robert Peverell, to each a silver spoon of the best.