• Reference
  • Title
    Folio 23 - Edmund Harmer of Hatley Porte made 12 Feb. 1543/4, pr. 17 June 1544. Burial in the churchyard of St. John Baptist of Hatley Porte. To mother church of Lincoln 2d.; to the high altar of Hatley Porte 3s. 4d.; to the bells there 20d. to the Sepulchre light 12d.. To son John and his heirs a house lying in the North Ende in Gamlingay, with all appurtenances except fire wood, which he leaves to his wife Jone to take peaceably at any time. To John also a close belonging and adjoining the same house, which has been leased for 20 years from Master Carlton with two tenements lying in the same close paying the rent yearly to Master Carlton, which is 16s. 8d.. Son John to have also all testator's lands lying in Tetworth until Michaelmas twelvemonth, and testator's wife Jone is to have the land fallowed, "styrred" and sown at her own costs, and cause the harvest to be brought home to his barns, provided that John "at all tymes do his trew delygens and servys to his mother dureing the tyme, as a servant owght to do". To son John also 16 quarters of malt, 4 horses, 2 oxen, 2 bare carts a long cart and a dung cart, with all cart gear belonging to the four horses. To son William all the lands and meadows and a certain close which testator hired from Master Carlton for 20 years at the rent of 20s. a year. To William also £6 13s. 4d. to be paid out of testator's next crop at the feast of the Purification next. To William also 2 two-year-old steers. To daughter Ursula £6 13s. 4d.to be given her at the discretion of her mother Wife Jone to set and keep his son Thomas to school for the space of two years at her own expense, and then she is to bind him apprentice for certain years to such an occupation as "his mynde geveth hem to" and at the end of his apprenticeship, wife is to give him a stock of £6 13s. 4d.. To son-in-law Robert Crofte £6 13s. 4d. "that the said Robert Crofte shall make a hole delyverans and state to Elzabeth his wyffe my dowghter of 40s. by yere of good and lawfull mony of yngland owt of his landes wiche his father dydde by and purches of Thomas Carnabe".To wife Jone for life his house lying in the Este Ende in Gamlyngay with all his other copyholds being in "Awbersley" [?Abbotsley] with an orchard which is testator's own, which copyholds and orchard after wife's death are to go to his son for ever. To wife Jone his house in Gamlingay which testator bought of Master Carleton, she to have it for 2 years, and then it is to go to son William and his heirs for ever. Other property leased from Master Carleton to wife for 2 years, and then to son William. Sons John and William are to help at their own cost with timber in order to build a house which is to be set up according to her mind, which house is to be large enough at the least "to sett in iiij beystes with stoner [?stover] for them at the leyste". He leaves £5 to have a priest sing and pray for his soul and all Christian souls, Master the parson to have the choice of hiring him. To son-in-law Thomas Borge 2 oxen, 2 kine and 2 quarters of malt. To his servant John Hynde a cow or else 10s. to buy a cow, also a quarter of malt. To Margery testator's "maden" a quarter of malt. To Edmund Borge the son of Thomas Borge a cow. Residue to wife Jone executrix with son John executor, and Robert Crofte to be supervisor, he to have 20s.. Witnesses Robert Assheby priest, John Hebbes, Robert Crosse. Asks his son John to be true, just and kind to his mother. If he behave otherwise to his mother and brothers and sisters, then his legacies will be "of no strenth", and the lands left to him to be divided among his brothers and sisters.
  • Date free text
    12 Feb 1543/4 - 17 June 1544
  • Production date
    From: 1543 To: 1544
  • Level of description