• Reference
  • Title
    Folio 22 - Jone Harmer of Hatley Porte made 18 Feb. 1543/4 and pr. 16 June 1544. Burial in the churchyard of St. John Baptist of Hatley Porte near her husband. To the mother church of Lincoln 2d.; to the high altar of Hatley 12d.; to the bells there 12d.; to help and maintain the priest's [?priests'] service 13s. 4d.. To sons John, William and Thomas £3 6s. 8d. each. To her daughter Jone the wife of Thomas Borge, and to her daughter Elzabeth and to her youngest daughter Ursula £3 6s. 8d. each To daughter Ursula a featherbed, a bolster, 3 pair of sheets, a covering, a pair of blankets, 2 platters, 2 candlesticks, 2 brass pots, and a pan. To William Borge the son of Thomas Borge, testator's godson, a steer or a bullock. To daughter Elzabeth testator's best gown or else her best kirtle. To daughter Jone another gown or else a kirtle. To daughter Ursula the best petticoat, a towel and a table cloth. To the church of Hatley Porte 3 milch beasts which are to be let out for 2s. each a year, the money to be used for an obit for the souls of testator, her husband and all Christians, and at her obit 3s. 4d. is to be spent, that is to say 12d. to the parson and 2s. 4d. to be given to the poor people by the churchwardens. Anything more to remain in a stock to help and profit the church of Hatley Porte for ever. The residue to be used for the souls of the testator and her husband. Her remaining possessions to be divided by equal portions as decided by Robert Crosse and testator's son William, executors, with Master the parson who is to be supervisor, to whom 10s.. Witnesses John Baxster, John Hebbes, Robert Tayler, John Harmer.
  • Date free text
    18 Feb 1543/4 - 16 June 1544
  • Production date
    From: 1543 To: 1544
  • Level of description