• Reference
  • Title
    Folio 16 - Thomas Eme of Kinges Howghton made 2 June proved 16 June 1544. Burial in the churchyard of All Sanctes in Howghton. To the high altar 2d.; to the mother church of Lincoln; to the Sepulchre light and to the Rood 1d. each; to the torches half a bushel of barley; to the bells 2d.. Wife Jone to have her dwelling in his house during her natural life, and to have also meat and drink with firing, and with free coming in and going out without interruption She is to have two acres of barley, that is to say every year one acre during her lifetime, of which land one acre lies in the Northfild at Chalton Way and the other acre lies one half over "Kow cowe path", and the other half lies above Langliche Balke on the Hill. The acre shall be tilled and sown each year at the cost of testator's son Robert, except for the seed which his wife is to find. Testator's crop now on the ground is to pay his debts and legacies and funeral expenses. Residue to be divided equally between wife Jone and son Robert. To son Robert his horse and cart and cart gear, plough and plough gear; also his young cow, his cupboard, table and backboard standing on the bench and a coffer called the Presse Coffer, and his new pan. To son Richard 3 quarters of barley to be paid in the three years after testator's death, and to Richard when comes to the age of 20 years 4 quarters of barley which son Robert is to pay. To daughter Elzabeth a quarter of barley and a calf that is to be delivered at Michaelmas after testator's death. To Thomas Bayle and Margret his wife "and my dowghter" a quarter of barley. Son Robert and his heirs male to have all his lands and tenements in Howghton to be held of the chief lord of the fee, but should Robert die without male issue then property to go to son Richard and his heirs male, but if he too die without heirs male then property to descend to daughter Margret for the sum of £10, of which £10 dau. Elzabeth to have 40s.. Should Margret "decese before suche tyme" property to go to daughter. Elzabeth for the same sum of £10; and should Elizabeth have died then it is to go to daughter Alys. The £10 to be spent as follows: 10s. for an obit; then 10s. every year on the high way until it is all spent. Should all his children die without heirs, then the church wardens for the time being to sell the property and the money to be bestowed as above. Executor to be son Robert. Witnesses Richard Webbe, John Colman, William Graunt, John Eme, John Stryngar, Nicholas Grene.
  • Date free text
    2 June - 16 June 1544
  • Production date
    From: 1544 To: 1544
  • Level of description