• Reference
  • Title
    Folio 29 - William Berne of Cramfilde made 2 Feb. 1536/7, pr. 5 Apr. 1537. Burial in the church yard of SS Peter and Paul of Cramfilde; to the high altar for tithes forgotten a bushel of malt; to the bells 3s. 4d.; to the church to buy a canopy cloth 13s. 4d.. His wife Avys to have his house with 2 closes belonging to the same until testator's son Thomas is of the age of 21, though should she make waste or let the houses decay then she to be discharged by testator's executors and overseer. Son Thomas to have the house and closes at the age of 21 and he to have also £5 in money. Son John to have £6 13s. 4d. "with all manner of thinges belonging to my occupation". Son William to have £6 13s. 4d.. If testator's eldest son should die, then the next to be his heir, and if the second die, his bequest to be bestowed on the high way between John Sesses house and the church of Cramfilde where most need requires. To each of his 3 daughters £6 13s. 4d. at the day of her marriage, and should one die under age, then their share to the others, and if all three die before they come to lawful age, than £10 of the money to be given to certain priests to sing for testator, and the rest to go to wife Avys to use in deeds of charity for the health of the souls of themselves and of all Christians. To testator's father £6, a heifer, a calf, a featherbed, 2 pair of sheets, 2 blankets and a coverlet, and all testator's wearing raiment except his gown, his best coat and his best cap. The Brotherhood of Cramfield to have a cow if the service be maintained in future. Remainder of goods to wife Avys, who is to be executrix. John Sesse to be executor with her, and he to have 5s. for his work. Son John to have the great brass pan, a trivet, a table, a form and an iron beam to weigh with. His iron crow, his brazen mortar and the iron beam in the chimney to hang pots on are to remain in the house as Standards. William Burne of Wotton to be Supervisor, and he to have 5s.. Should testator's wife remarry, then his children's parts as listed above be delivered to his executor and supervisor, to hold until children come to lawful age. Witnesses Thomas Whyte of Cramfilde, sir William Mott curate, William Rygges, Thomas Allen of the same town. To the mother church of Lincoln 4d..
  • Date free text
    2 Feb 1536/7 - 5 Apr 1537
  • Production date
    From: 1536 To: 1537
  • Level of description