• Reference
  • Title
    Folio 14 - William Hebbes of Wyllyshamsted made 1542, proved 16 Sept. 1542. Burial in the church yard of Willyshamsted. To the high altar 3s.4d.; to the bells 12d.; to the torches 12d.; to the Sepulchre light 8d.. John the younger to have the red cow and Thomas to have the black cow. Fillys to have his other two beasts. John and Maryon to have a bullock each. Thomas, Fellys, John and Maryan to have the crop in the field to be equally divided among them. To Katering Hebbes a calf of a year old and to Elzabeth Hebbes the other calf. To his children all his sheep divided equally between them. To Fellis all his household stuff. A priest to have 26s. 8d. to sing for testator and his wife and all Christian souls for a quarter of a year. His executors to be John Hebbes the elder and John Hebbes the younger, testator's two sons, and they to have residue of goods. Witnesses sir Thomas Harwar clerk, William Decons, George Cooke and William Edwardes with others more.
  • Date free text
    1542 - 16 Sep 1542
  • Production date
    From: 1542 To: 1542
  • Level of description