• Reference
  • Title
    Copy extract (provided by P.C.C. Registry) from probate of will and two codicils of George Maddison (as in BORDV13/8), late of Stainton-le-Vale etc., now of Dunstable Priory, esq., deceased. 1805-1807; (1839) Will Gives and devises to his son George and the heirs of his body and, in default of such issue, remainder to use of his third son Charles and the heirs of his body and, in default of such issue, ultimate remainder to the heirs of George in fee: (a) his manor or reputed manor or lordship of Dame Seirs (as in BORDV13/8(a)). (b) his messuage or dwelling house called Dunstable Priory with the yard, garden, land, hereditaments and premises with appurtenances (as in 13/8(b)). (c) all his other messuages, cottages, closes, plots, pieces or parcels of land or ground, lands, tenements and hereditaments in the counties of Beds. and Herts. 21 Jan 1805 (original 20pp.) Witnesses: J. Pacey, Charles Farr and Richard Goss. Codicil Recites that, since making his will, he has, by Articles of Agreement of 24 Jan. 1805 between Daniel Foulerton (? 'Fonberton' in some instances) of Market St., Hertford (Herts.), maltster, and George Scriven of Dunstable, draper, (executors and devisees in trust in the will of Nassau Smith, late of Dunstable, esq., deceased) of the first part and GM of the other part, agreed to purchase for £1,205 the following: (d) freehold messuage or tenement with yards, out-houses, garden and close of pasture adjoining situated in Dunstable, containing 4 acs. 25p. late in the tenure or occupation of Nassau Smith. (e) leasehold piece or parcel of land or ground adjoining (d) and containing 23p., parcel of the honour of Ampthill held under a lease dated 21 July 1792 from Francis late Duke of Bedford, deceased, granted to NS for 21 years to commence on Michaelmas Day 1793 if the Duchess of Marlborough, Francis Duke of Bedford and the Rt. Hon. John Russell esq. (commonly called Lord John Russell), now Duke of Bedford, so long live. Gives and devises (d)-(e) to his son George and the heirs of his body with remainders over in default of such issue etc as in his will. With proviso in the event of the conveyance not taking place before his death and direction that the consideration be paid out of his personal estate and effects if the purchase is not completed in time. 8 Mar. 1805. Witnesses: John Gresham, William Gresham and John Hooper, all of Dunstable. Second Codicil Recites that his will includes a gift of £3,000 to his son George. Revokes this bequest and, instead, gives and bequeathes £2,000 to GM to be paid (at the end of one year after the testator's decease with interest at 5% until such time) by testator's executors out of his personal estate or money due to him upon mortgage; and £1,000 to his daughter Theodosia (in addition to what she already receives in his will) to be paid as the above sum. Gives and bequeathes to each of the children of his eldest son John Thomas Maddison (except the eldest son George Baugh Maddison) the further sum of £500 each in addition to that already given and provided for them in his will to be considered as an additional charge and lien upon all his real estates in Lincs. and made subject to the same. 18 Nov. 1805 Witnesses: John Hooper of Dunstable, Nathaniel Cartwright, clerk to JH, and Richard Cross, servant to Colonel Maddison. Probate of will and 2 codicils at London, 31 Jan 1806 by oath of Rev. Marmaduke Alington, clerk, one of the executors named in the will, power reserved of making the like grant to the Rt. Hon. John Lord Monson, the Rt. Hon. Charles Lord Yarborough, Ayscoyhe (else Ayscoghe) Boucherett, esq., and George Thompson (Tennyson in 13/13) esq., (the other executors) when they shall apply for the same. Probate of will and 2 codicils at London, 5 May 1807 by oath of GT,.esq., power reserved etc. Copy dated 7 Apr. 1839 (watermark G.Yeeles 1839)
  • Date free text
    1805-1807, 1839
  • Production date
    From: 1805 To: 1839
  • Level of description