• Reference
  • Title
    Conveyance i) Theed William Pearse, Bedford, Esq., Clerk of the Peace for Bedfordshire ii) Thomas John Green, Bedford, Esq., Treasurer of the said County iii) Thomas Smith, Luton, builder iv) Henry Day, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, gentleman reciting: - The erection of the Station Lock-up shortly after the date of above conveyance - At Quarter Sessions held at Bedford on 19 October 1858 it was reported that the Police Station House erected at Luton in 1848 had become unnecessary on the completion of a new station house and notice of sale was to be given 3 times in a local newspaper. - At Quarter Sessions on 4 January 1859 the sale by auction of said Station House, Lock - Up etc was ordered - At auction by Mr John Cumberland at George Inn, Luton, iii) was highest bidder at £420 plus £17 9s for fixtures. - At Quarter Sessions on 5 April 1859 it was decided that trust in conveyance of 20 June 1848 should vest in i). - For purpose of obviating any possible question it has been decided that purchase money should be paid to ii) and i) on their joint receipt Now in consideration of £420 and £17 9s (total - £437 9s) paid to i) and ii) i) conveys to iii): - piece freehold land, part of certain meadow (as at X815/13/3) to iii) or to use of iv) in trust for iii) signatures of i) and ii) endorsed receipt witness Charles Cooke, clerk to Mr Pearse, solicitor, Luton
  • Date free text
    11 May 1859
  • Production date
    From: 1858 To: 1859
  • Level of description