• Reference
  • Title
    Warrant to enter Satisfaction - reciting surrender of Samuel Barber, late of Biggleswade, shoemaker, deceased, dated 26 October 1785, of - 2 tofts or pieces ground, with cottage standing thereon and then lately erected and built in Holm Street, Biggleswade, then in occupation of Elizabeth and Mary Reynolds - to use of James Pope, Biggleswade, whip maker, by way of mortgage, to secure £50 and interest James Pope is dead. - By his will dated 22 February 1826 he appointed his sons, James Pope and William Pope, as executors who proved the will in PCC - Now James and William Pope acknowledge to have received full satisfaction on said surrender and authorise the steward of the Manor of Biggleswade to enter the acknowledgement on the Court Rolls of the Manor.
  • Date free text
    3 Feb 1830
  • Production date
    From: 1830 To: 1830
  • Level of description