• Reference
  • Title
    Renshaw's Diary for 1866. Each day details where he has been (including trips to Manchester, Derbyshire and Knowle) and why (mostly business such as collecting rents, sorting out footpaths and garden allotments) and the weather. Includes: - 11 Jan Left Birmingham by 1st train snowing all the way. The Telegraph poles were thrown down all along the line - 18 Jan News of the 'London' having foundered 220 lives lost G M S amongst them. - 29 Jan Mr J & Em [Mr Jepson & Emmeline, H R J's future wife] came over to spend the day [H R J at Pilsbury at the time] - 3 Feb Went to Ampthill to make arrangements about doing up house in Dunstable Street (sf SFM1/18] - 23 Feb Attended a meeting at White Hart in the evening to nominate a captain, Private Barton was nominted - 7 March fast day in Derbyshire for the cattle plague - 9 March fast day in Bedfordshire for the cattle plague - 15 March 3 Lidlington men were fined for throwing off Gates &c across fields to Lidlington - 3 April Went to Battalion drill in Ampthill Park dined in shed erected for the purpose [5 -16 April - no entries HRJ married Emmeline Jepson at Edensor, Derbyshire on the 5th April 1866] - 24 April Two stacks of wheat, a straw rick, hurdles etc and a Hewer? and thrashing machine burnt at the Lye Mead Farm this afternoon. Fire occasioned by a spark from the Engine Chimney Luckily we were insured - 26 April Went to live at Yew Tree hall for the first time today -28 April went to Millbrook to meet the Insurance valuer from the County Fire Office agreed to take £354.6.0 for the damage done and also £5.16.0 for expenses in trying to extinguish fire. [No further entries after 19th May]
  • Date free text
    January - May 1866
  • Production date
    From: 1863 To: 1887
  • Level of description