• Reference
  • Title
    Abstract of the title of Messrs. Thomas Stevens & Edward James Stevens to eight freehold cottages in the Parish of Ridgmont, Beds. Abstracted by Conquest & Clare of 32 Mill Street, Bedford, solicitors: (Recital I) Conveyance dated 21st Mar 1870 between (i) Edward Two of Marston Moretaine, Beds, builder and (ii) Sarah Martha Two of same. Reciting: - Indenture dated 10th Nov 1865 between (1) John Payne (2) Thomas Tims (3) (i) whereby (a) was assured to (i). - Conveyance dated 23rd Jan 1869 between (1) John Dickens (2) Elizabeth Dickens and (3) (i) whereby (c) was conveyed to (i). Operative: - In consideration of £30 (i) conveys (a-c) to (ii). Property: (a) Several cottages in Ridgmont then or late in the occupation of Thomas Linfield, Joseph Pearce, Mary Pilgrim, John Goss, John Flint, William Lutchins & the said Thomas Tims. (b) Hereditaments not the subject of this abstract. (c) Cottage with garden adjoining site at Well End, Ridgmont late in the occupation of Elizabeth Dickens. Bounded on S by road leading from Pound End to Pump End, N by (b), E by footpath abutted by cottage of John Askew and W by a garden belonging to Charles Spring. Habendum: - To the use of (ii) for ever. (Recital II) Marriage dated 1st Mar 1878 between Sarah Martha Two and Thomas Stevens at the Parish Church of Kempston. (Recital III) Birth of Edward James Stevens the eldest son of Thomas & Sarah Martha Stevens dated the 9th Dec 1880. (Recital IV) Mortgage dated 11th Mar 1891 between (1) Sarah Martha Stevens (therein described as of Upper Shelton in the Parish of Marston Moretaine wife of Thomas Stevens, Labourer) and (2) Alfred Clare of Bedford, solicitor. Operative: - Mortgage from (1) to (2) for £100 and interest. (1) conveys (a-c) to (2) as security for the mortgage. Property: - (a-c) as at Recital I but now in the occupation of Mr. Line. (Recital V) Sarah Martha Stevens died on the 26th Sep 1900 leaving husband Thomas and eldest son Edward James heirs at law. (Recital VI) Letters of administration for the estate of Sarah Martha Stevens are granted to Thomas Stevens in 1902.[14th Feb 1902].
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1870 To: 1902
  • Level of description