Folio 181d
William Smyth of Howghton Regis made 21 Sep. 1543 proved 12 Nov. 1543.
Testament Burial in the church yard of All Saints in Howghton. To the high altar for tithes omitted 20d.; to the mother church of Lincoln 2d.; to the torches a quarter of malt; to the Sepulchre light 2d.; to the Rood light 2d.; to the bells half a quarter of malt; to every godchild 4d..
To the mending of Puddell Stret 40s.; to Byddwell Strete 40s..
To Thomas Hawking son of Robert Hawking the best brass pot and a coffer. To Agnes Hawking daughter of Richard Hawking the best pan. To Alys Forde the great kettle. To William Fayre of Chalton a gown. To John Hawkinges the son of Richard Hawkinges an ark. To Jone Web the daughter of Richard Webbe a little coffer. To sir John Cowper for the term of his life a coffer, which is then to return to testator's house as a "principal", and to him also a swarm of bees. To Richard Hawkinges a swarm of bees of the first in the next year, and the next swarm to go to Richard Webbe. The residue of his goods to go to Robert Hawkinges for the term of his life, and on his death to be divided amongst his sons.
To William Smyth the son of John Smyth late of Chalton a quarter of malt, and to Joan and Agnes his sisters half a quarter of malt each. To Margret Gubbelyn the bed that she lies in and 40d. in money, a cupboard and testator's cow with the hay to keep her with, and the straw of testator's barley, and a bushel of wheat and a bushel of malt. To sir John Cowper a red banker and a cushion.
Robert Hawkins can buy the pan that is still in Sewell, a bed and the bed clothes belonging to it and a querne for 10s.. If he does not wish to have them, the executors and overseer are to make what they can of them, the money arising to be used for testator's soul.
Richard Webbe is to buy (if he wish) the next best pan, the bed in which testator lies, and the bed clothes for 10s.. Otherwise the goods are to be sold the money used as above.
He wishes an obit to be kept every week for a whole year at each of which 20d. to be bestowed, and 1d. every month.
To William Barbor, testator's godson, a little brass pot. To Maryon Hardwike the better of the two least good pans.
Residue to be bestowed in deeds of charity for souls of testator and all Christians.
Executors Richard Webbe and Robert Hawkinges, each to have 3s. 4d..Overseers Richard Hawkinges and sir John Cooper, each to have 3s. 4d..
Witnesses sir John Cotton curate, John Clarke in the Layne, William Fossey, Thomas [?]Codington.
Will To sir John Cooper testator's tenement in Howghton as it lies between the messuage of William Strange on one side and the Church Lane on the other, to hold for the term of his life while he stays in the town, and on his death the house to go to Thomas Hawkyn the son of Robert Hawking and to their heirs for ever, provided that sir John Cowper pay to the executors 6s. 8d. a year to be used on Puddell Strete and Byddwell Stret, though his executors are to keep 12d. for their labour, repairs to the house itself always excepted. When Thomas Hawkyn enters upon the house on the death of sir John Cowper, he and his heirs are to continue to spend the value of the annual rent as set out above (repairs to the house always excepted) and they also may keep 12d. yearly for their work. The rent shall be charged yearly for ever with 4d. to keep the bederoll.
To William Webe son of Richard Webbe and to his heirs 6 acres of land lying behind Thurne and 5 pole of meadow lying in Tebur Mede (held of the chief lord of the fee) charged with an annual obit in Howghton church for 20 years which obit is to be kept in the week before the Purification of the BVM, when 2s. is to be bestowed, the churchwardens to oversee this observance. "Provydyt Furthermore that yff the sayd Obbyt may be kepte and observed not offending any lawe actes statutes or any other article hadd or mayd by our moste Redowbted And Sofering lord the king maiestie or his onerable consell or in tyme to cum may be hadde and made then I will the obbyt to be perpetually observed and kepte but yff it may not be lawfully Done by the lawes of this Reame that then this article to be Fustrayt and of non effect".
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From: 1543 To: 1543
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