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    Folio 180 Nicholas Plummer made 18 Aug. 1543 proved 1 Nov. 1543. Burial in the parish church yard of All Saints in Sutton. To the high altar for tithes forgot 12d.; to the Sepulchre light 20d.; to the mother church of Lincoln 12d. To mending of the highway between Thomas Hogges and the bridge 13s. 4d., and his executors to help with the carriage for 2 days. To mending the Gret Brege a quarter of malt. To eldest daughter Alys Gilman the messuage and appurtenances where Thomas Carter lives (the surrender having been made to William Mays and witnessed by Robert Curtes, John Plummer, John Payn' and Thomas Gylman), but if Alys die without issue, then the house is to pass to the youngest of testator's children. To Alys also a quarter of barley. To four of the tetator's youngest children, that is to say Elzabeth, Robert, Water and Agnes, 20 quarters of barley each within a year and a half, the share of any dying to be divided between the survivors. Should all four die, then each of his other 3 children, Alys, John and Jone, is to have 20 quarters, and the remaining 20 quarters to go to an honest priest to sing for the souls of the testator and his friends. To his daughter Jone his feather bed, bolster, a pair of sheets, a coverlet, 4 pieces of pewter (2 of the best and 2 of the worst), 2 candlesticks (one of the best and the other of the worst), the best brass pot, the best chafing dish, a pan. To daughter Elzabeth a mattrass, a pair of sheets, the best coverlet, 2 new stools, a chair, 5 pieces of pewter, 2 candlesticks and the second brass pot, a chafing dish, a pan. To son Robert the best mattrass, a pair of sheets, a coverlet. To son Water a pair of sheets and a coverlet. To daughter Agnes a pair of sheets and a coverlet, a towel, 5 pieces of pewter, 2 candlesticks, the third brass pot and a pan. All his ploughs and plough gear, cart and cart gear is to be divided between John Plummer and William Bradeley when the occupying of the farm is done. To each of Gillman's children a lamb; to each of William Mayes children a lamb or a sheep. To every godchild a bushel of barley. To Thomas More a calf and a heep. To Thomas Carier a quarter of barley. His executors at his burial are to give 4d. to every house in Sutton, and to every house having no plough 2d. at his seventh day and 2d. at his month's day. His executor are to distribute all other things. Executors John Hobson priest and son John Plummer, each to have 10s.. Master Thomas Burgoyn is asked to see the will performed, to whom 10s.. Witnesses John Hobson, Thomas Gilman, Robert Curtes, W. Mayes, Jo. Browneing.
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    From: 1543 To: 1543
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