• Reference
  • Title
    Folio 165d Ysabell Roffe of Husburne Crowley, widow, made 34 April [sic] 1543, proved 13 July 1543. "I do bequeth my soull unto the Holy Trynyte beseching that moste glorius and blessed Virgen Mary the Mother of Criste with all the holy compeny of Heven to pray for me" Burial in the parish church yard of Crowley; to the mother church of Lincoln 2d.; for tithes forgotten 4d.; to the Rood light 4d.; to the torches 4d.; to the bells 4d.; "to the faunte [font] my beste lavear". To her daughter Ellyn Allen the house where testator dwells for her lifetime, then it is to go to Ellyn's eldest son John Allen and the heirs of his body, in default to John's brother Thomas and the heirs of his body, in default to their brother Richard and the heirs of his body, in default to their younger brother Roger and the heirs of his body, in default to their heir general. To Sybell Maydbery testator's "Sylke" bullock. Residue to daughter Ellyn and her husband Thomas Allen, her executors, requesting them to have a half trental said for her soul once a year for next 7 years in the church of Husburn Crowley for the souls of testator, her husband, and all Christians. Supervisors sir Richard Birche, her ghostly father, and Roger Esgor her sister's son. Witnesses Thomas Nicholle "myn'", John Potter senior, Richard Carter, John Mathew senior, Henry Dicson.
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1543 To: 1543
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