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    Folio 146d Thomas Pake of the parish of Our Blessed Lady in Steventon made 22 Dec. 1542, proved 12 Apr. 1543. Burial in the church yard of Steventon; 3 pounds of wax to burn about his body on his burial day and for his month's day at the discretion of his executors and overseer; 4 wax torches to burn about his hearse which are afterwards to be given to the parish church to honour the Blessed Sacrament; 30 dozen of bread to be distributed for his soul to the poorest people that have the most need; a pound of wax to be made into a taper to burn about the Holy Sacrament; 2 pound of wax to the Sepulchre light and the same to the Rood light; to the bells 12d.; an honest priest is to sing for the souls of the testator, his father and mother and friends in Steventon church for a whole year for 8 marks sterling, under the supervision of Master the vicar of Steventon and sir Robert Wylkenson, testator's ghostly father. There is to be a yearly obit for 20 years after his death charged on the house and land he has given to his kinsman Richard Weste, the cost to be 6s. 8d. a year to cover the payment to the curate and ministers for dirige and mass, the remaining money to the poorest folk in Steventon. 13s. 4d. to be used to buy a black vestment with alb and amice for requiem masses, and 10s. for a surplice and 4s. for an altar cloth; 20s. to be given to the pooest folk that have most need. Ellys Notall is to have 6s. 8d. to oversee this testament and last will. 20s. is to be spent on the highway in Medell Ende Lane; such stone as the testator has in Wethens Layne and at Medull Layne Ende Howse is to be used in Wetons Layne and in the highway between Scottes Style and the said Whetons Layne Ende. 6s. 8d. to be used to repair the church yard walls. To Richard Weste the household stuff already in his hands. To Ellys Notalle's wife 20s.. Hartewelle's wife, testator's sister's daughter, to have 20s.. Margaret Allen's children which she had by John Barton to have 20s.. To Symon Weste 13s. 4d. to pray for testator. Elizabeth Weste the wife of Richard Weste to have 10s.. To the children of Robert Pake and of Ellys Notall 20s. to be divided between them. Robert Payke to have 6s. 8d. Richard Weste to have 3s. 4d.. The residue is to be bestowed in works of mercy for souls. Executors Robert Pake and Richard Weste. Supervisor Ellys Notall. Witnesses John Wylkenson, Robert Taler, Robert Pake, Richard Weste, and sir Robert Wylkenson, testator's ghostly father.
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    From: 1542 To: 1543
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