Folio 104d
Robert Gostwike, chaplain, made 15 July, no year, and proved 28 Dec. 1541.
"In primis do et lego animam meam omnipotenti deo" and his burial is to be in the church before the altar of the BVM, and for his burial he gives to the same church 6s. 8d..
To Willington church 13s. 4d.. To Northyevell College "my bowke of degrees".
To young William Gostwik "my bowke called ortus vocabulorum" and in money 12d.
To his cousin William Gostwik of Cawdwelle 5s. and to "my cosyng" his wife 40d..
To Master Edmund Mordant and to testator's godson Master William Mordant "all my bookes of Cevell and Canon" law, which are 14 in number.
To his cousin John Gostwike of Willyngton, husbandman, 5s..
To Thomas Hatley of Meche Stowghton 2s. 4d.. To Godfrey Hatley 2s. 6d..
To godson John Hill a coverlet and 10s. in money. To goddau. "Diem' " Alys Crosset 2s..
To Thomas Gostwike of Wardon testator's best coverlet, a pair of sheets, a pair of blankets, a pillow with the pillow bere and undercloth, a pair of hose and a candlestick, a painted "seller" to be over a bed, with all that is sewed or annexed to it, also the best of all the painted cloths, and a "mayell", testator's best coffer with the key, "Also my beste cote with an under dublet have no sleves to were under the said cote to tye up his hoses withall", and testator's best purse.
To Thomas Gostwike's wife, if she survives testator, a gown to make her a gown, and his best white kercher.
To the said Thomas Gostwike his best cap, and he to have the first choice of all that testator has bequeathed to him and his wife, and in money 20s., and 40d. to make his and his wife's garments immediately after testtor's death.
His executors are to be his cousin William Gostwike of Cawdwell and John Gostwike of Wyllington, husbandman, who are to hire an honest priest to sing and pray for the souls of the testator and others, and say placebo and dirige with the commendations twice a week.
An honest priest is to continue in service from year to year after his gifts and bequests be paid, and they are to hire the priest for as long as the money lasts.
Executors are to have 40d. each, and their expenses.
Any remaining goods are to be sold and the money distributed to poor people dwelling in the townships of Northyevell, Willington, Turvey and Western Downe in Essex, and at Kempston, to pray for souls.
He has written this in his own "scrybleing hande"
Supervisor John Mayegot parson of the two churches, to whom 2s..
He trusts that 6 or 7 groats will be sufficient for every township named above, for the poor dwelling in them. He also wishes to remember the poor folk in Astwod.
He requests prayer for the souls of Robert Gostwike priest, Robert Gostwike and Joan his wife, Sir John Mordant knight and Lady Edeth his wife, and the souls of all the parishioners and benefactors of the said Robert Gostwike priest and all Christian souls.
Memorandum that his good Lord Mordant and Sir John Mordant knight discharge him of their costs and charges and payments to the King's Grace, and likewise to the bishop of the diocese and the archdeacon. They shall bear all repairs to the chancel of the church of West Horndowne and the parsonage, paying the parson £4 10s. 8d.
No names of witnesses.
Date free text
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From: 1541 To: 1541
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