• Reference
  • Title
    Folio 6 - Reginald Agnusday of Wroxhill in Marston Morten.
  • Date free text
    made 12 Nov. 1539 proved 12 Nov. 1539 [sic]
  • Production date
    From: 1539 To: 1539
  • Scope and Content
    Burial within the church yard of Marston. To the high altar for tithes forgot 8d.; to the mother church of Lincoln 4d.; to the Sepulchre light 20d.; to the Rood light 20d.; to St. Lawrenc' chapel 5 bushel of malt; to the church "Item a chefe borde and the Flexen towell with the seme in the myddes". To son Richard his best gown, "a Sanct John hede" and a graven platter. To Katering Smyth his great pan; to John Wolfe of Ampthill his best coat. To Old Shelle his sleeveless coat. To his daughter Margret Basterfilde his best green coverlet, the blue coverlet, a chafing dish, the mattress he lies on, 2 blankets, the hanging "laner/laver", the little spit, the bedsted on which testator lies, the coffer in the loft with the tub by it, a "yelling" tub, a tub to mash, 2 small tubs and his best pot. To young Margret Basterfild the bason with the "knoppes" and the best candlestick. To Alys Basterfild the new brass pan, the little trivet and the griddle iron. To George Agnusdei a brass pot, and to Alys his sister another (brass pot) and she to choose. To William Agnusday a 3 gallon brass pan. To Robert Basterfild testator's aumbry; to John Basterfild the chafer; to his daughter Margret Basterfilde a platter. To Margret Agnusday wife of testator's son Richard a platter. To young Margret Basterfilde a platter. To his daughters Alys Agnusday and Margret Basterfilde a tablesloth each, and Margret to have the first choice. To William Basterfilde a coffer standing between the beds. To Thomas Agnusday the coffer by the bedside. To daughter Margret Basterfilde 4 pair of harden sheets and 1 pair of flaxen sheets, and to the said Margaret and her 2 little daughters his "cow with the flankes". To Joan Agnusday, who dwells with him, half a quarter of barley; and to Agnes her sister another half quarter of barley. To every godchild 4d.. To the church of Marston for the bequest of John Wolfe 3s. 4d.. To the repair of "Home Layne be yonde the brigge" 3s. 4d.. To Richard Basterfilde testator's folding table. Thomas Agnusday to keep an annual obit on the day of testator's death, and at the obit each year 6s. 8d. is to be spent for priests and clerks, and for bread, ale and cheese for poor and needy people. The parson or curate for the time being to be the overseer of the obit. 30 dozen of bread and 30 cheeses to be provided at his burial. To Joan Agnusday, daughter of Robert Agnusday, the great platter. Residue to his executors, Robert Odill and testator's son Richard Agnusdey. Witnesses Richard Caynhoo priest, Thomas Agnusdey, Richard Parkinges. [Robert Odill refused executorship].
  • Level of description