• Reference
  • Title
    Deed of covenant to surrender. Parties: (i) Charles Barnett of Stratton, Biggleswade, Beds, esquire; Samuel Wells of Biggleswade, brewer and Samuel Brunt of Holme, Biggleswade, farmer (surviving trustees appointed by a surrender dated 13th November 1785) (ii) John Lancaster & George Cooper, churchwardens and Samuel West & Thomas Atterton, overseers of the poor of the Parish of Biggleswade; The Reverend George Mossop; clerk John Foster; George Herbert; John Brickenor; George William Monk; Lawrence Gall; Joseph Weston; John Downe; William Knight; Benjamin Byland; Jeremiah Banks; John Burder; Samuel Wilson, Samuel West; John Croft; William Race; James Pope; John Malden; John Steward; Joshua Malden; William Crouch and William Grigg. (Principal inhabitants of the Parish of Biggleswade). (iii) William Brunt of Biggleswade, draper. Reciting: - Surrender dated 13th November 1785 between (1) John Carrington of Biggleswade, baker and (2) Charles Barnett; Reverend George Gibson of Biggleswade, clerk, Edward Rudd of Biggleswade, gentleman; Dennis Herbert of Biggleswade, merchant; John Samm of Short Mead, Biggleswade, gentleman; said Samuel Wells and John Carrington; Edward Gregory of Biggleswade, surgeon and the said Samuel Brunt whereby (a) was surrendered unto (2) upon trust that the buildings to be made on (a) along with the rents & profits should be applied to and for the use of the Parish of Biggleswade as directed by (ii). - At the Manor court of Biggleswade on the 28th & 29th April 1786: (2) were admitted tenants according to the custom of the manor. - (i) are the only survivors of the trustees to whom (a) was surrendered and are now in the receipts thereof. - Shortly after the recited surrender (2) ordered for ten cottages or dwelling houses to be built on (a) and had the consent of (ii). - (2) borrowed £200 from Joseph Folsey of Wallington, Hertfordshire, gentleman and to secure this repayment (2) became bound by a bond of obligation dated the 14th Feb 1786. - The money is still owing with interest. - It has become expedient that (b) should be sold and the money arising should be applied to paying costs and charges for (i) and then repaying Joseph Folsey. - A public meeting of the parish of Biggleswade was called for the purpose of taking such sale into consideration on the 18th Dec 1805 and it was agreed by (i) and (ii) that (b) should be sold by public auction. - (b) was put up for sale in 5 lots and (iii) was the highest bidder for the whole with a bid of £111. Operative: (iii) pays (i) £111 and (i) covenants that within one month they will have surrendered (b) to the lord of the Manor and unto (iii). Property: (a) Several pieces of ground containing 37p in the back Street in Biggleswade upon which around 10 cottages lately stood but were burned down by the late fire at Biggleswade while in the several tenures or occupation of William Huckle, James Gray, John Miller, Pettit Breed, John Francis, Edmund Chamberlain, Thomas Pate, Dennis Beaumont, Mary Chapman widow, James Beck and Thomas Goodman. (b) Five recently built copyhold cottages or dwelling houses built on (a) along with all premises with appurtenances situate at Back Street aforesaid of 36 yards and 4 feet and now or late in the tenure or occupation of James Mayes, Thomas Whifson, Thomas Taylor, William Mantle and Ann Francis. Signed with the seals and marks of William Grigg, John Malden, Joshua Malden, John Steward, James Pope, John Croft, Jeremiah Banks, John Croft, John Downe, William Race, Samuel Brunt, John Brickenor, G.W. Monk, Joseph Weston, John Foster, George Mossop, Thomas Atterton, Samuel West, John Lancaster, George Cooper, Samuel Wells, Charles Barnett.
  • Production date
    From: 1785 To: 1806
  • Level of description