- ReferenceZ41/LB10/4/11
- TitleVol.2 No.5 Includes the following: - Focus on Northam & Dogsthorpe Works [pg.6 - 13] - London Brick Land Development Limited [pg.14] - Dispute! Article about recent strike [pg.20 - 21] - Return to Brindisi - Vincenzo Carasca [pg.22] - Photographs: Cheryl Sharpe [pg.1]; Bill Needs, Les Scales [pg.2]; Ralph Fuller, James Bristow [pg.4]; James Bristow [pg.5]; Ron Garratt [pg.6]; Alek Hrycakenjo; Peter Peppercorn, Andy kendall, Paul Jakstonis, Frank Steed, Alf Warner, Bill Wright, Jean Louth, Alan Richardson, Georeg Bruce, Ernie Louth, George Eyres, John Gear, Paddy Magee, Charlie Lincoln, Derek Beckett, Ludwig Marcic, George Cherrington, Mick Wright, Emilio Senese, Joseph Richardson, Barry Louth, Frank Jordan, Derek Baggaley, Chick Matthews [pg.10]; Peter Smart, Giovanni Genovese, Roy Short, Paul Kornek, Alec Mostowyj, Harry Worley, Jock Hood, Peter Tkaczuk, Bill East, Tony Shepherd, Barry Griggs, Tom Redhead, Ron Parker, Julian Griggs, Alan Hall, Clarry Martin, Charlie Scotney, Charlie Bux, Fred Butler, Perce Marchant, Fred Southerland, Fred Barnard, Tom Smith, Charlie Mumford, Ted Thompson [pg.11]; Elvin Smart, Walter Dexter, Phil Kirk, ray Brown, Les bonner, George Wright, Jin O'Dell, Graham Jackson, Ian Jackson, Dave Smith, John Jackson, Ernie Hamm, Flash Steirman, Joe Tuke, Tony Wardle, Archie Shepherd, Richard Batterham, Malcolm Green, Konrad Gilman, Sid Ambrose, Denis Kendall, Charles Redhead, Bob Masters, Ivan Witenko, Mick Atkinson [pg.12]; Jack Snape, Bill Lee, Nobby Redhead, Fred Wright [pg.13]; Thomas C Fawcett, A Neville Meier [pg.15]; Frank Clare, Bill Donald [pg.16]; J C Ward, Doug Lymer [pg.18]; Arthur Wright, Derek Lawrence, Bobby Cambers, A Neville Meier [pg.19]; Vincenzo Carasca [pg.22]; Neil Wood; Ray McErlean [pg.26]; Gladys Mason, Vera King, Jack Beech [pg.27]; George Pavlovic, Stan Viccars, Chris Johnson, H J Hughes, Richard Blake [pg.28]; Charles Beane, J Bourne [pg.30]; Ralph Fuller, Vic Bashford, Tom Darby, Stanley Ruff, Peter Suttleworth, Derek Lawrence, Ken Biggs, Don Cooper [pg.31]; Jack Gloyne [pg.32]; Eric Feasey, Derek Lawrence, Syd Preston, Dereck Venn, Bill, Bailey [pg.33]; V A Rowe & Family [pg.34]; George Laud, George Searle, Fred Addy, Henry Challis, Harry Anderson, H J Pole [pg.35]; F R Chaplin [pg.36]; M F Keep, K Lukic, F R Chaplin, Richard Baines [pg.37]; Frederick W J Copperwheat, F J Fountain [pg.38]; Janet Trotter, Brian Cornwell -pg.39]; George Thompson [pg.40]. - Obituaries : W D Bailey, L Deeble, S Forshaw, W J Gilder, W G Goodman, T Janiak, J H Payne, J G W Prince, J T Slater, L G Taylor, G A Tolley, R Wood [pg.40]
- Date free textSep/Oct 1972
- Production dateFrom: 1972 To: 1972
- ExentNo. of pieces: 1
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keywordLondon Brick Land Development Limited,
Carasca, Vincenzo,
Sharpe, Cheryl,
Needs, Bill,
Scales, Leslie,
Fuller, Ralph,
Bristow, James,
Garratt, Ron,
Hrycakenio, Alek,
Peppercorn, Peter,
Kendall, Andy,
Jakstonis, Paul,
Steed, Frank,
Warner, Alfred,
Wright, Bill,
Louth, Jean,
Richardson, Alan,
Bruce, George,
Louth, Ernie,
Gear, John,
Magee, Paddy,
Lincoln, Charlie,
Beckett, Derek,
Marcic, Ludwig,
Cherrington, George,
Wright, Mick,
Senese, Emilio,
Richardson, Joseph,
Louth, Barry,
Jordan, Frank,
Baggaley, Derek,
Matthews, Chick,
Smart, Peter,
Genovese, Giovanni,
Short, Roy,
Kornek, Paul,
Mostowyj, Alec,
Worley, Harry,
Hood, Jock,
Tkaczuk, Peter,
East, Bill,
Shepherd, Tony,
Griggs, Barry,
Redhead, Tom,
Parker, Ron,
Griggs, Julian,
Hall, Alan,
Martin, Clarry,
Scotney, Charlie,
Bux, Charlie,
Butler, Fred,
Marchant, Perce,
Southerland, Fred,
Barnard, Frederick,
Smith, Thomas,
Mumford, Charlie,
Thompson, Ted,
Smart, Elvin,
Dexter, Walter,
Kirk, Phil,
Brown, Ray,
Bonner, Les,
Wright, George,
O'Dell, Jim,
Jackson, Graham,
Jackson, Ian,
Smith, David,
Jackson, John,
Hamm, Ernie,
Steirman, Flash,
Tuke, Joe,
Wardle, Tony,
Shepherd, Archie,
Batterham, Richard,
Green, Malcolm,
Gilman, Konrad,
Ambrose, Sid,
Kendall, Denis,
Redhead, Charles,
Masters, Bob,
Witenko, Ivan,
Atkinson, Mick,
Snape, Jack,
Lee, Bill,
Redhead, Nobby,
Wright, Fred,
Fawcett, Thomas,
Meier, A Neville,
Clare, Frank,
Donald, Bill,
Ward, J C,
Lymer, Doug,
Wright, Arthur,
Lawrence, Derek,
Cambers, Bobby,
Carasca, Vincenzo,
Wood, Neil,
McErlean, Ray,
Mason, Gladys,
King, Vera,
Beech, Jack,
Pavlovic, George,
Viccars, Stan,
Johnson, Chris,
Hughes, H J,
Blake, Richard,
Beane, Charles,
Bourne, J,
Fuller, Ralph,
Bashford, Victor F,
Darby, Tom,
Ruff, Stanley,
Shuttleworth, Peter,
Biggs, Ken,
Cooper, Don,
Gloyne, Jack,
Feasey, Eric,
Preston, Sydney,
Venn, Dereck,
Bailey, Bill,
Rowe, V A,
Laud, George,
Searle, George,
Addy, Fred,
Challis, Henry,
Anderson, Harry,
Pole, H J,
Chaplin, F R,
Baines, Richard,
Copperwheat, Frederick W J,
Fountain, F J,
Trotter, Janet,
Cornwell, Brian,
Thompson, George,
Bailey, W D,
Deeble, L,
Forshaw, S,
Gilder, W J,
Goodman, W G,
Janiak, T,
Payne, J H,
Prince, J G W,
Slater, J T,
Taylor, L G,
Tolley, G A,
Wood, R - Keywords
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