- ReferenceZ41/LB10/4/47
- TitleVol.8 No. 6 Includes the following: -Front cover photograph of Michael Crawford (alias Frank Spencer) at Elstow Works filming an episode of BBC situation comedy 'Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em' with Frank at work with a demolition team. Report on page 6. -Focus on Kings Dyke Works, Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire [pg. 8 - 12]; -London Brick Landfill Limited [pg.16 - 17]. - Photographs: Norman Davies, Doug Myland, Jeremy Rowe [pg.2]; Keith Fossey, Keith Barton, Morgan Stokes [pg.3]; James Lunn, Jeremy Rowe, Bill Clow, Mike Hancock, Geoff Edwards [pg.4]; Colin Cooper, Basil Gentry, Terry Chandler [pg.5]; Peter Imeson [pg.7]; George White, Ken Tyers, Reg Anthony, Bert Fitzjohn, Bun Parker, Alf Hailstone [pg.10]; Ron Anthony, Chris Hart, Jim Smith, David Martin, Barry Maples, Brian Howson, Wally Stannard, George White, Jack Allen, Richard Hales, Bud Abbott, Ron Fitzjohn, Lol Hailstone, Terry Quince, Ted Drake, Tony Read, Sid Louth, Bill Adams, George Wilson, Ernie Coulson, Tony Hobbs, Geoff Cousins, Alf Yardy, Ron Flintoft [pg.11]; Eileen Quince, Gill Savage [pg.12]; Brian Osborne, John Morgan, George Iwanczyszyn [pg.16]; Carol Wall, Lynn Wall, Bob Attewell, Janet Ireson, Daniel Simister, Ruth Simister, Arran James Steele, Lisa Karen Saunders, Mark Edward Hazell, Tome Bates, Joy Shuttleworth, Sarah Ellen Church, Claire Louise Findlay, Sarah Lissaman, David Wells, Fiona Lloyd, Beverley Ireson, Jason Cole [pg.18 - 19]; Cliff Cooke, Ted Verrall, John Hole, Peter Faulkner, John Usher, Vic Flory [pg20]; John Maguire, Jenny Leatham, Jim Taylor, Ian Barr [pg.21]; Alf English, Richard Horn, Tony O'Donovan, Martin Gilbert, G H Fox, Kenneth Batley, Stephen Kent, Andrew Elek [pg.22]James Bristow, Maurice Clayton, Michael Wright, Roy Bitten, R Ward, Derek Lawrence, Ron Thompson [pg.24]; N R Davey [pg.25]; Gerald Plant, Malcolm Robinson, Keith Hopkins, Terry Walters [pg.26]; Dennis Samuel, Bill Rose, J Baigent, Howard Dolling [pg.27]; Peter Booton, Stephen Gough, Sheila Wood, Ray Wells, Roger Baldwin, David Powell, Alan Pugh, Anthony Amer, Jack Hall, E J King, D J Golding, Malcolm Robinson, Alice Standley [pg.28]; Eric Feasey, Jim Pell, Arthur Hall, W Smith, Edgar Duffett [pg.29]; Walter Brown, Len Moulds, Ron Garratt, M McMullen, J Clipston [pg.30]; Michael Drown, Vic Laws, Terry Walters, Len Moulds, Don Page, Stuart Barnes, Tom Turner, Rex Wheat, Trevor Clipston [pg.31]; W W Foster, Walter Stringer, John Young, Jennifer Parker, Clive Price [pg.32]; Elaine Morris, Alf Young, George Coleman [pg.33]; W G Barber, Peter Bidzans [pg.34]; Bill Trotter, Les Scales, Percy Lowe, Jack Hilliam, Bert Cripps [pg.35]; Frank Clare, Alice Courtney, Trevor Farrant, Jackie Bedford [pg.36]; - Obituaries: W A G Atkins, J Brown, D Burridge, K Corkowicz, T Couzens, H J Cowley, P A Ferreday, J J Gillett, J Green, L W R Higgins, C E J Hockley, A C Huntley, A W Levitt, B M Mayer, H Monument, L Munns, E J Odell, H R Payne, H R QUaife, G Recchia, W Rich, D J Sheehan, S Soso, V Spalis, L Tyers, R Watson [pg.13].
- Date free textNov/Dec 1978
- Production dateFrom: 1978 To: 1978
- ExentNo. of pieces: 1
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keywordCrawford, Michael,
London Brick Landfill Limited,
Davies, Norman,
Myland, Doug,
Rowe, Jeremy,
Fossey, Keith,
Barton, Keith,
Stokes, Morgan,
Lunn, James,
Clow, Bill,
Hancock, Mike,
Edwards, Geoff,
Cooper, Colin,
Gentry, Basil,
Chandler, Terry,
Imeson, Peter,
White, George,
Tyers, Ken,
Anthony, Reg,
Fitzjohn, Bert,
Parker, Bun,
Hailstone, Alfred,
Anthony, Ron,
Hart, Chris,
Smith, Jim,
Martin, David,
Maples, Barry,
Howson, Brian,
Stannard, Wally,
White, George,
Allen, Jack,
Hales, Richard,
Abbott, Bud,
Fitzjohn, Ron,
Hailstone, Lol,
Quince, Terry,
Drake, Ted,
Read, Tony,
Louth, Sid,
Adams, Bill,
Wilson, George,
Coulson, Ernie,
Hobbs, Tony,
Cousins, Geoff,
Yardy, Alf,
Flintoft, Ron,
Quince, Eileen,
Savage, Gill,
Osborne, Brian,
Morgan, John,
Iwanczyszyn, George,
Wall, Carol,
Wall, Lynn,
Attewell, Bob,
Ireson, Janet,
Simister, Daniel,
Simister, Ruth,
Steele, Arran James,
Saunders, Lisa Karen,
Hazell, Mark Edward,
Bates, Tom,
Shuttleworth, Joy,
Church, Sarah Ellen,
Findlay, Claire Louise,
Lissaman, Sarah,
Wells, David,
Lloyd, Fiona,
Ireson, Beverley,
Cole, Jason,
Cooke, Cliff,
Verrall, Ted,
Hole, John,
Faulkener, Peter,
Usher, John,
Flory, Vic,
Maguire, John,
Leatham, Jenny,
Taylor, Jim,
Barr, Ian,
English, Alf,
Horn, Richard,
O'Donovan, Tony,
Gilbert, Martin,
Fox, G.H.,
Batley, Kenneth,
Kent, Stephen,
Elek, Andrew,
Bristow, James,
Clayton, Maurice,
Wright, Michael,
Bitten, Roy,
Ward,, R.,
Lawrence, Derek,
Thompson, Ron,
Davey, N.R.,
Plant, Gerald,
Robinson, Malcolm,
Hopkins, Keith,
Walters, Terry,
Samuel, Dennis,
Rose, Bill,
Baigent, J,
Dolling, Howard,
Booton, Peter,
Gough, Stephen,
Wood, Sheila,
Wells, Ray,
Baldwin, Roger,
Powell, David,
Pugh, Alan,
Amer, Anthony,
Hall, Jack,
King, E J,
Golding, D.J.,
Robinson, Malcolm,
Standley, Alice,
Feasey, Eric,
Pell, Jim,
Hall, Arthur,
Smith, W.,
Duffett, Edgar,
Brown, Walter,
Moulds, Len,
Garratt, Ron,
McMullen, M.,
Clipston, J.,
Drown, Michael,
Laws, Vic,
Walters, Terry,
Page, Donald,
Barnes, Stuart,
Turner, Tom,
Wheat, Rex,
Clipston, Trevor,
Foster, W.W.,
Stringer, Walter,
Young, John,
Parker, Jennifer,
Price, Clive,
Morris, Elaine,
Young, Alfred,
Coleman, George,
Barber, W.G.,
Bidzans, Peter,
Trotter, Bill,
Scales, Les,
Lowe, Percy,
Hilliam, Jack,
Cripps, Bert,
Clare, Frank,
Courtney, Alice,
Farrant, Trevor,
Bedford, Jackie,
Atkins, W.A.G.,
Brown, J.,
Burridge, D.,
Corkowicz, K.,
Couzens, T,
Cowley, H.J.,
Ferreday, P.A.,
Gillett, J.J.,
Green, J,
Higgins, L W R,
Hockley, C.E.J.,
Huntley, A.C.,
Levitt, A.W.,
Mayer, B.M.,
Monument, H.,
Munns, L.,
Odell, E.J.,
Payne, H R,
Quaife, H R,
Recchia, G.,
Rich, W.,
Sheehan, D.J.,
Soso, S,
Spalis, V.,
Tyers, L,
Watson, R. - Keywords
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